Corporate Espionage

The Following Day. 

Legolas was seated in his new mansion as he met Ruben, Hariv and Zipon again in his office after yesterday's brutal massacre of enemies. 

Due to the group of enemies being pirates, no law held them accountable for defending their own lives and thus, the first commission as hired bodyguards was a clean success. 

Legolas gazed at the three Qebika clients who had come to visit in his main office. 

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Ragnarsson. 

Your warriors have indeed helped us greatly. Now, we will be able to go back to our previous lives without worries." spoke Ruben, his voice revealing a satisfied and confident feeling. 

The next moment, all 3 of them took out a small box filled with elven space rings and handed them to Legolas. 

"Half in Itikar and half in SS Rank mana cores and ores as per our agreement." spoke Zipon. 

Legolas nodded and Scorpion, who stood behind him took the boxes.