Hierarchy of Power

It had been 2 and half months since Rudra ate Axel's body and was continuously processing his bloodline to use it as a catalyst in order to balance his Basilisk and Draconian bloodlines. 

Just over a week ago, he had finally succeeded in doing so and managed to take a human form for the first time since Kahn created him inside the Abyss Forest. 

But under Kahn's order… he had been hiding from the outside world as the former expected this current predicament and gave Rudra to a fitting stage to make his official debut. 

The Voronir subordinate was already comparable to a 3rd stage saint based on stats alone but after he ate Axel's body that was none from this world… he gained an immense boost in strength and levels and now, he was already comparable to a 4th stage saint just in terms of physical strength. 

In his hands, was Atlan. 

The legendary rank Trident was created by Throk. The one which carried the will of the Guardian Dragon.