Sealed and Forgotten

A sense of dread and ominous feeling spread around the entire floor as the dungeon boss whose true appearance was still clouded in smoke and hundreds of flickering lightning bolts while revealing only its eyes. 

But after it revealed its intentions to toy around with Kahn first instead of killing him on the spot… Rathnaar suddenly commanded Kahn to let him take over his body. His majestic and overbearing tone hinting that he wouldn't take a No for an answer. 

[And why the hell would I do that? You trying to pull something here, you bastard?] refuted Kahn. 

The situation was already dire and he couldn't even move his body but now, Rathnaar suddenly wanted to assume control. 

[I said let me take over your body for a while and I'll do the talking. If you want to leave this dungeon alive that is.] he spoke in an overbearing tone.