First Trial

Finally, another chance to get out of their current predicament appeared, both Kahn and Aragorn were finally going to contend for the Commandment of Fellowship because now, even Vildred was forced to give him a chance due to the Elven Prince's appearance. 

But right when he thought things were salvageable… Aragorn spoke in a loud voice.

"Consider this as me thanking you for the free ride you provided me till now. 

If you fail from here… it's on you." he spoke with a confident voice as if he was certain that Kahn would fail the upcoming trial. 

Kahn then asked Edmund aka Aragorn about something he was curious about. 

"Since when did you plan to use us?" 

To his question, the long and gray-aired Aragorn responded with a mocking tone. 

"Don't feel so special. Whether it was your Misthios guild or the 12 Valkyries…