The Final Trial

Kahn recovered after the final strike and summoned his clothes as well as the space ring back again as he royally passed the 2nd part of the trial like a boss. 

Even Vildred couldn't link this method to him using the Space Force to survive and resurrect himself again and again. 

Because Dimensional Shift didn't exude a single trace of space force to the outside world when he shifted his body parts or organs to the true dimension and the instant regeneration skill in itself was a big distraction as it made an extremely quick recovery of the entire physique in matter of minutes. 

[Divine Ability! He definitely has some sort of resurrection related divine ability. 

Means I couldn't kill him in the first place.] thought Vildred, oblivious to the fact that all he needed to do was seal the space around this floor to kill Kahn. 

Aragorn on the other end had a visibly irritated expression. 

"You sure have some tricks, Ragnarsson.