Stormy Battlefield

As soon as Romulus declared his well-thought assumptions… A sudden change occurred inside the pocket dimension acting as a battle arena. 

One after another, hundreds of massive pillars of water arose from the ground while the surging tides submerged the entire surroundings up to 50 meters high as if a new sea was formed. 

Even the dark clouds summoned by Juno suddenly started acting under the influence of this new battlefield as the blue wolfkin hijacked the control from the enchantress. 



In just a few moments, the sky started pouring down as loud and thunderous noises resounded. 

Hurricanes, thunderstorms, typhoons… All of them were summoned at once and rampantly charged from all directions while rising up to 4 kilometers in height alone, targeting the white wolfkins as a barrage of millions of high pressured water blades that could cut down a boulder in a single slash attacked all 4 of them at once.