Tormenting Technique

The red wolfkin gave Kahn a forewarning about the dangers of the Harnessing technique to raise his strength. 

"Summon some world energy around you like I did." spoke Romulus. 

Kahn followed the instructions and stood, a green smoke-like world energy was gathered over his palm. 

"Now try to move it like it's trapped inside a rectangular box. It shouldn't cross that imaginary boundary while increasing the speed of the flow." he instructed again. 

Under his command, Kahn tried to move this amount of world energy as he tried to condense this rampantly running smoke. 

And after a great effort, it sped up so fast that it resembled photon particles revolving at light speed inside a reactor.

"Now flatten and condense it just like this." said the peak 7th stage saint and gave a demo. 

However this time, Kahn could barely move them at will despite being an intermediate magician himself. 

