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Both the lightning dragon emperor and the peak saint flared up in rage and openly shouted at Kahn without hiding their discontent and incredulous expressions. 

"Why is he getting such a huge power up?!" spoke Rathnaar with discontent. 

"Eh? What do you mean? 

I'm the one who is still losing a lot." Kahn shamelessly claimed that he was suffering a great loss. 

But in the upcoming moments, he told them that if Armin was here, the results would be even greater, his tone was akin to a braggart complaining about how great 'loss' was. 

Rathnaar on the other end fumed with anger and almost lunged at Kahn. 

"This shameless bastard! He's getting something even I did not have as a Peak Saint and he's still complaining!" shouted the first emperor as if he would beat the shit out of this gluttonous individual. 

Vildred stopped him and pulled him back.