The Biggest Elephant In The Room

As the entire Nadur Empire spectated the match…


Atreus and Gaja, the two combatants collided with a thunderous boom, causing shockwaves to ripple throughout the forest.

The audience watching the battle from the safety of the arena could feel the intensity of the impact as if they were right in the middle of the battle.

Despite the overwhelming force of Gaja's attack, Kahn managed to hold his own, using his mastery of water and ice to create walls, icicles and fist to deflect and counter Gaja's blows.

The two continued to exchange blows, their domains clashing in a spectacular display of power and skill.

As the battle raged on, the audience watched in awe, completely engrossed in the fight.

"Is that all you can do?" taunted the Elephantkin, trying to rile up Atreus.