Lineage and History

After Kahn, also known as Atreus, emerged unexpectedly and executed a decisive finishing move on his opponent, Hōō Basan, the latter lay unconscious on the battlefield, unable to comprehend how he had been outsmarted.

Hōō Basan wondered why Kahn had chosen this particular approach instead of relying solely on brute strength to defeat him.

Little did he know that Kahn had purposely revealed his doppelgangers to the audience.

While the replicas endured the onslaught of attacks, it was the real Kahn who bore the true brunt of the battle. The duplicates, being merely comparable to a 3rd stage saint and not a genuine 5th stage saint, would inevitably be destroyed.

Thus, Kahn willingly subjected himself to the punishing blows.

Yet, this was nothing new to him. Under the guidance of Vildred and Romulus, Kahn had already experienced death countless times—over a million, to be exact.