Pheonix vs Dragon

In the midst of the chaos, the battlefield was suddenly transformed as two colossal beings emerged, each standing a towering 100 meters in height. One radiated an intense aura of scorching flames, while the other exuded an icy chill that seemed to freeze the very air around them.

These colossal figures represented the embodiment of the Fire and Ice elements, their presence commanding awe and fear.

The isolated battlefield, encompassing the entire 5-kilometer radius, became a stage for this epic clash of elemental forces. The ground trembled beneath the weight of their immense forms, cracks forming in the earth as they took their first steps.

The Fire elemental Pheonix blazed with fiery brilliance, its colossal form wreathed in roaring flames that licked at the air. Its very presence exuded an overwhelming heat that caused the surrounding landscape to smolder and char.