Making a Conversation

As the rest of the group engaged in a concerted effort to divert Sylvana's attention, Kahn silently vanished from the battlefield, his movements shrouded in a cloak of stealth.

"You leave me no choice." spoke Maximus in his titanic form.


A resounding slash echoed as Maximus swung his greatsword, aimed at severing Sylvana's right arm. However, his strike only managed to graze her, a testament to her formidable defensive capabilities.


With unwavering determination, Maximus sprang into action. He lunged forward, using his shield as a battering ram to propel the colossal dryad summoner nearly 20 meters away with a powerful crash.



Explosions of fireballs erupted from behind as Speki's fiery projectiles found their mark, scorching Sylvana's form. Simultaneously, Vikaat's raven-like metal claws, honed to a lethal edge, tore into and sliced across her left thigh.