Back To The Future

After finishing more than 8 semi-saints, Kahn ganged up on the remaining 3 using his free doppelgangers and cosmic replicas…

The result… 

Kahn killed Nanaue Willock the hybrid with aquatic species lineage who resembled a shark.

Then he killed Targos Boltan, the golem-like individual whose entire body was made of stone and his skull was on fire. All he did was use Permafrost and Fenrir's Wrath to freeze him like an icicle.

As for Knull Symbitar, the warrior with a symbiote-like black tendrils running across his body…. Kahn simply used Lycan Tyrant's roar that acted like a high-frequency sonic attack and then he used the Hell's Inferno skill to burn him alive.

The last 3 semi-saints took an even shorter amount of time than the first 8.

And finally after gathering all the 11 cores of these semi-saints, Kahn spoke with a confident smile…

"Drakon El Tuscarvaya!" 

