Impact on the Future

Kahn was left sundered after learning that the Empress of the Beast Empire had sided with the Demon God after Maximus' death in the original timeline, the one he prevented in this new timeline by killing the Hero of Fire without knowing how his actions would affect the future.

"What bullshit?! She was that ruthless?

How come she joined the Demon God just because Maximus died?

Isn't the Demon God literally going to end the world?" asked Kahn with a befuddled countenance.

"Ah, you wouldn't know I guess. At this point in your life, you still haven't been pulled into the matters of Empires and Gods as a chosen Hero.

Remember, the chosen Heroes and Heroines aren't just the representatives of the Gods.

But they also represent the Empires that serve these Gods and Goddesses.

Both are mutually dependent on each other because no civilization would fight a war unless offered some grand motive for it.