Suddenly the one zombie appeared. I hid. We played peeakabo. It got curious with the door that was slight open and peek into the curtains, 3 times. My friends got scared. Quiet i said. But it saw me. And smile.

I got numb. I go out, bravely. But quiet. Continuing my job, the thing told me

"its impossible cause we'll get in the house very throughly"

When she left she made the wooden rotten so i cannot nail again. My job my useless. My momo power can regain conscious. Later the the boy came back bringing a squad of zombies under his command ready to attack our place,

Thinkin on how to get away. All of my friends was standing waiting for my next instruction. 'now they know how serious this matter is

From to where i was standing, I saw the back door wasn't locked i glare towards the couple "jezz i told them to check everything and the said okay!" ' The rampanging dead bodies was smacking the front door, while the boy only waits on the ground licking his lolipop in bored expression, "Attack" he shouted.

must we go out? didn't he noticed the back door was fully open? was it his plan for ambush?

Luckily the door strong enough to do its job. The bad thing happened is when the boy argued me to stop nailing the woodedn piece on the door saying that it will attrack the zombies! they already sees us!

"how can we stay inside if the door is broken?!" i answer him. Before the squad was there, without my conscience, the boy took the chair away,

"switch off the lights i said.. quick" Those thing cannot see in darkness, but they depended on motion,

I told fat to use her invisibility really strong make us dissapear. She make her hand like shintenshin. And boomed! we go invisible.

Get off the chair and assemble! The people got inside the fat girl magic circle, to ruckus began to settle down. We stood together infront of the big tv.

They were walking, and looking around sniffing and feel strange, due to emptyness.

The boy came inside, looking around and stop his eyes exactly next to me, and meeting me an eye to eye, he smile and sat on the chair.

The leader said. he knew were here, just wait they has nowhere to go, they will visible not for long. "how did he know?" we were bestfriend, how could he try to kill me?

out of frustation, I told fat to stay focused and let down her hand, we wouldnt busted if you stay focused. Oddly, the invisibility wear off. The zombies freaks out! They found us. I could felt our heart rate was dropping down and we became pale.

Luckily fat was focused. Stand steadily, use it one more time.! I shouted.

The second incartationwas strong and vanising everything in 1 metres areas, the boy still smiling and chuckles, he got up and bit his candy.

The power was wear off due to shaman. About 5 of them had different powers. We ran to the back door in a penguin line, with folded hands, if one of us was left behind her circle, the enchancement would wear off,

No ones there, fuh, we ran and ran i was able look at the of the shaman, though they were far away, i can see hkw powerful they were, we stand infront of abandoned house.

This one shaman is a bad news i said. I knew him and his spells. I lost in fight with him ago. But he is kind, if i talk to him, maybe he can help us, he was a she before and i was helping her in resurrecting her dead son soul into a marionatte,

"can we trust you? " the fat girl asked, I look at them one by one, "i wish the best for all of us, if you survived, we'll be meeting again in the place we're talking about" The magic wears off, it was the exact moment the boy in the green comando hat was looking at our trembling face infront of the backdoor stair, with his left hand in his peach pocket, he smile again and shouted ''OVER HERE! "

"Flee!" we run as fast as we can in 5 directions leaving each other behind, didn't know why i was rest assure when the zombies was targeting me, and not them, "please be safe"

Thank you for everyone who had read this story until the very end, if you like it you may visit my homepage and read my other stories as well, thank you & have a great day!!!