Future, Past, Home (II)

Eventually the mayor came to look for us and guide us to a great room. When we arrived there where military, scientist, politician and even religious leaders. All of them were reunited with the purpose to discuss about the facts that had happen to me in the capital, so they asked me to start telling and explaining the events with the most detail possible.

I decided to tell them everything, from the beginning with me leaving this city until arriving to the capital and my confrontation with Victor. Always careful to not reveal too much concerning Maria's healing abilities or something related to the Objects. I don't want to touch a topic that I still don't have the enough information of it. If there really exists a war between the Seekers, that'll imply another big problem that we'll have to deal with. I rather not alarm them more than necessary.

I explained that according to my experience the Spiritist are the only ones capable of facing the creatures, since none conventional weapon seems to cause any damage. The military present backed my affirmations, apparently they had been testing their weapons against many types of creatures, nothing appears to work.

The scientist were planing on how to explain this phenomena in some way that resulted convincing by the laws of physics, but without any result. The politician keep whispering between them on how to announce this things to the rest of the population and prevent them from panic. Finally the religious leaders only prayed constantly to their gods so that they could bring peace to the world once again.

I continue on with my explanations and tell them about Victor's last words, how he confessed doing experiments on how to become a Spiritist. All the documents on his investigations were destroyed according to one of his previous subordinates, which leave us with no hints on how he did it or how he got that information.

The mayor claimed that the testimonies that he collected since my absence agree with the facts I presented, also he confirmed that in the last weeks other Spiritist have appeared and helped to protect our home from new attacks, just as Batista told me.

Later we had a little debate to determine the facts according the events on the day of the Apocalypse.

First, the great earthquake that suddenly shook the city. After my long trip I checked that certainly it also occurred on the other places I visited, causing various damage depending on the sector. Where was the epicentre? Other countries also experienced it?

Second, not being able to communicate with the rest of the world. Since then, no communication system works outside the radios on a short FM frequencies. It really is a strange fact, since the electric devices work without any problem. Maybe something is interfering with the satellites on orbit? Perhaps they were destroyed completely.

Third, the appearance of the creatures. Beast of many sizes that don't resemble those on our planet have been reported on many occasions. All they have in common is an hostile behaviour against humans, we don't know with certainly how they react towards animals, they have disappeared from their natural habitats. It's confirmed that the only thing capable to hurt them is a Spiritist weapon, it even generates some kind of repulse effect when they enter in contact. Probably an Object also has the ability to eliminate them, I have used my katana to fight against them and manage to kill them without much effort. Obviously I kept that to myself.

Fourth, the birth of the Spiritist. Except for Victor, all of us saw a light in the sky on that night that made us lose consciousness for a few minutes. When we awoke we couldn't remember the events of the earthquake. Days or weeks after eventually we were able to manifest a weapon or accessory. The shapes or powers vary according to the person, but the things these have in common is being able to materialize at the will of the bearer and share the same faint cyan colour. It's suppose to be a manifestation of the soul on a minor scale, so it won't abandon the body completely. An important detail is that on the records that we have so far, point to Maria being the only one with a healing power.

In the end no one could find a relationship between the facts. The scientist said they'll keep working on that, for the moment we don't have anything more than speculations.

Having discussed enough for one day it was decided to put an end to the meeting. We left already exhausted and went back to my home.