The Shadow that Lurks (II)

Back to today's topic, in the last few days there have been several reported sightings of a large shadow lurking around these parts at dusk. This one seems to hover in the sky above the houses and then disappears to the south.

One important detail about the creatures that have been recorded so far is that they are all terrestrial. I don't even want to imagine the problems we would have if multiple winged creatures suddenly came to wreak havoc in our home.

Considering the potential danger of this threat I volunteered to keep watch. We decided to come in the afternoon about 45 minutes before sunset to make sure the time was correct according to the testimonies.


As we get closer to our target I don't see anything that catches my attention. Maybe all the assumptions were misunderstandings of people seeing birds after so long.

Come to think of it we haven't had any creature attacks recently either, from what Batista was telling us in his travels the other cities are reporting the same thing. What will this mean? Has their species run out? Or are they concentrating somewhere?

I know I should be happy about this period of peace, on the other hand it could mean that the storm is just around the corner.

"What are you thinking Asriel?" Maria asked me.

"I was just thinking that we are about to reach the place of the rumours" I answered. "I hope it's just the result of people's paranoia"

"You don't have to be afraid, I'm here after all!" she said cheerfully putting a hand on his chest.

"Of course I'm, I find myself very grateful to have you by my side miss second captain"

"Don't call me that! It's embarrassing..." she exclaimed turning around trying to hide her blushing face.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's quite an accomplishment"

"I still can't believe you ordered me to be second in command at SDOF. Everyone was looking at me saying [She's just a little girl] It was horrible"

"But so much fun to see your face at that moment"

"I don't see what's so funny!" she replied angrily.

"It's a great opportunity Maria. You'll learn early on how to handle the rest of the people, add that to your cuteness and it's a deadly combo"

"Sounds like I'm going to take advantage of someone"

"You're also my right-hand, which pretty much makes it so no one can force you to do anything you don't want to"

"I guess that's pretty handy. That general looks like an ogre, how can he always be so angry? It scares me"

"Haha yes he's. Anyway, you'll have a good position and you'll have the support of the others when I'm gone"

"Yeah sure, as you say... wait" she said looking at me carefully. "Asriel, what do you mean when you're gone?"

"In case I have a mishap in the future you will inherit my position. I already talked to the mayor about it and there won't be any problems"

"Why do you say that? Do you want to die!?"

"Of course not, I'm just saying that it's a possibility" I said taking her by the shoulders when I saw that she was losing her composure. "We don't know what tomorrow will bring, that's why I have to prepare a plan B. This way if that happens I want to leave you on the right track"

"I don't need to know anything about that! Why don't you understand!?"

"Maria, listen to me. I'm not as powerful as you think, if a Seeker on Victor's level shows up I don't think I can defeat him. That doesn't mean I'll die without fighting to the last drop, however I can't discard-"

"No! Don't go on, that won't happen! If anything happens to you I'll be there to heal you! I won't let you die like the others Asriel, I promise!" she shouted with light tears falling down her cheeks.


Certainly she still has wounds that have not healed yet, just as I thought. I must not force her to understand my actions, what I plan to do is for her sake. If I have to sacrifice myself to save her life I would do it without thinking. Although I would like to find a way that I could....

No, now is not the time.

As I looked up I noticed a shadow watching us in the distance. How long has it been there? How had I not noticed it?

I took Maria by the arm and hid her behind me.

"A, Asriel?" she exclaimed in surprise.

The sun on the horizon prevents me from clearly seeing the details of the figure, at least I manage to determine that it's a person, probably wearing some kind of dark-coloured robe. Before I could react he turned and ran away.

"Wait!" I shouted in vain, but he just ignored me and continued on his way. He's too suspicious to let him go. "Let's follow him Maria!"

"O, okay!" he replied wiping the tears from his eyes and following my lead.