Resolution Ascension (I)

After several hours of walking we stopped at a small flat area. We take the opportunity to take a break and recover our strength, as the fatigue is obvious in both of us. We are not used to being at such a high altitude, our bodies do not seem to acclimatize well to the situation and get exhausted more easily.

Anyway, it is already getting dark, trying to climb these mountains without light is the same as committing suicide.

It has been a long time since we have encountered an invader, I guess it is due to the lack of people and how relatively inhospitable this area is.

Next to where we are there is a tiny spring with very cold water, although it is undoubtedly fresh and delicious.

Regardless of the scarcity of food, this would be a good place to live a quiet, old-fashioned life without relying on technology. Considering how the world is currently filled with these aggressive monsters, it doesn't seem like such a bad alternative.

I find it hard to believe that there aren't any other like-minded people living around here in some kind of camp. Maybe they didn't make it?

Anyway, we spent the freezing night as we usually do, cuddled together sharing our body heat tucked inside a sleeping bag and covered under a blanket. The next morning we were still a bit dizzy, so we decided to use this space as a temporary base while we analyzed what route we were going to follow.

We concentrate on finding food and training, so we should speed up the acclimatization process, or so I think. Maybe we take things slowly, but we are in no hurry. That priest has been lost somewhere around here for quite a few months now, we don't even know for sure if he is still alive. Likewise, Lavos may or may not be nearby.

If we rush to try to find him and fall off a cliff, it will be the end, I prefer to avoid that possible scenario no matter what.

Surprisingly when I went out to look around there were a large number of birds. It had been a long time since I had seen so many different species living together in harmony, have they been hiding from the invaders around here away from everything? I wondered if the rest of the fauna such as mammals had done the same.

After hours of failed attempts we finally managed to catch a few of them. Cleaning them up and separating what can't be eaten is something I had never experienced before and I felt bad for the animals, but the taste of fresh meat after so long made me feel it was worth it.

Once our bodies got used to the environment we proceeded with our journey.

The mountainous route was indeed dangerous and steep, quite a bit steeper compared to where we had stayed just a short while ago. I find it hard to believe that there is a sufficient reason for a person to come this way, although the faint traces of a trail, relatively fresh footprints and a few broken branches indicate that surely someone has passed this way at least once.

Very carefully we continued walking close to the wall and there were even moments where we had to climb, always with the fear that each false step could be our last.

I avoided looking down so as not to feel the fear of what might happen to us, instead I looked up at the cloudy sky that considerably blocked the sunlight. Maria seemed to feel the same way, trying with all her might to appear brave.

So we continued our journey deeper into the mountains, until eventually we came to a dead end, only a couple of giant boulders awaited us.

"Really? All this for nothing?"

"It can't be..." exclaimed Maria falling to her knees.

"Certainly the trail continues this way and comes to a sudden halt. There must be something else, maybe there's a detour we missed"

I began to look around and noticed that on the floor there were some marks next to the stone on the right, as if it had been dragged. Maybe...

"What did you find Asriel?"

"Maybe we can move it, help me push"

"Oh, okay"

She stood next to me, we got into position and started to force. Just when I thought nothing was happening, the rock started to slide.

"It's working"

"Yes! Just a little bit more"

Between the two of us, we managed to move it a few centimeters until it was stuck in place and wouldn't move anymore, revealing a tunnel. This one was very narrow, it would barely fit an adult like me. It is completely dark, I can't determine how long it will be.

It looks like some kind of secret entrance, I doubt very much that it could be nature's handiwork.

"I have a bad feeling about this"

"But we don't have any other choice, do we?"

"Sadly. We haven't come this far to stop here"

I took out the flashlight I had in my backpack and after turning it on we started to move forward.

I went ahead while Maria, holding my hand, followed right behind. Nothing could be seen but what was illuminated by the light in my hands. The sounds of our footsteps were the only thing that echoed throughout the area. The atmosphere was cold and damp, a slight draft made me think that there had to be something at the end of this journey.

Minutes passed and I began to lose hope. I can't believe that there is a person who was able to climb up here, find the dead end, move that rock and walk getting lost in this tunnel by pure chance. The only way is that it was on purpose, knowing what would await him.

With that in mind, what could anyone do in such a secluded place?

"Look Asriel! There's a light!" Maria said pointing ahead pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You're right. It won't be long now."

We continue in this manner now motivated to find out what's on the other side of that blinding glow....