A Moment of Peace (III)

"Another thing worth mentioning is that apparently he didn't have any Object that presented the power of liberation. That would be another mishap that would tip the scales in his favor"

"Well, it doesn't do us any good to lament about hypothetical things. Oh yes, while we're on the subject, could you explain to me how your Object Corneria works?"

"My book?"

"That's the one. If you don't mind, that is"

"Of course, I have no problem. Its name is "Uchuu no Keiken wo kiroku suru Hon", the book that records the experiences of the universe"

"That sounds great"

"Basically it is as the name suggests, among its pages are written certain events that have taken place, as well as the knowledge needed to perform all kinds of magic"

"Ohhhh~ awesome. Is there a spell to make candy appear?"

"Sadly I don't think that exists"

"Really? That's too bad... could I search on my own?"

"Most of what is detailed here is not capable of being processed by the human brain. If someone inexperienced reads it, there's a chance that their head could explode from overexposure to this information. Still want to see it?"

"N, no thanks!"

She hid behind my back with only her eyes peeking out from behind me. I don't blame her for feeling scared, just in case I won't make eye contact with that book anymore, just as a precaution"

"Don't worry, those who are not recognized by the Holder won't be able to read what is written anyway"

"Y, you should have started there..."


Corneria made an awkward gesture with her hand. Was that a joke? It's something unexpected on her part

"Let's leave that aside for now. Zeke, you're up"

"Okay. If you don't remember, the name of my weapon is "Sabaki wo Jikkou suru Kama". In short, it's a scythe that can judge my opponents. The other one I just obtained a few hours ago is "Hontai wo Kakusu Gaitou", a cloak that hides the true form. I'm still trying to understand its uses"

"Rowen mentioned that earlier, about him being able to see through her ability"

"Right. I don't know if it's because I didn't mention its name out loud. It's the first time I've obtained an Object through this way, to inherit it from an opponent. At the time I didn't know anything about its powers, and only as time went by did I start to focus on it and so I got to know the details. It's as if Holder himself was the one who whispered it directly into my mind"

"And what did you find out?"

"As you saw, this mantle can expand to cover me completely. In that state, my presence, silhouette and sounds are hidden from the rest. In other words, I become invisible"

"Sounds very useful"

"It is, but it has its demerits. It can't be used in conjunction with another offensive instrument, if you do so you lose the effect immediately"

"So that's why it was able to detect you"

"Yes. Also, while hidden you have to control your aggressiveness or bloodlust. If you are too conspicuous, it also leads to it being cancelled"

"So it's not as practical as we thought"

"I think so. However, I can't rule it out as useless, I just have to figure out how to use it to maximize the benefit"

"Wow, I didn't expect to hear such wise words coming from your mouth. I admit you surprise me, kiddo"

"What are you implying woman!?"

"Ok, don't fight. I guess that leaves us. Do you want to start Maria?"


Thus we proceeded to mention to them about our adventures to date. Since our departure from the capital, our powers and specifically about the incident a few weeks ago with the song of the end of times, and taking the opportunity to ask them if they knew what it meant. The 2 believe they heard a strange sound at that moment, being in completely separate places, but did not understand what it was, nor what it was for.

I don't blame them, since I only know what Maria told me. Without knowing the context, they could imagine it was anything.

Another topic I asked about was the other guy who was in the stadium. Corneria said his name was Basil, though other than that, I hadn't heard another word come out of his mouth. In his fights he just used his fists and feet to win, with no apparent help from any Object. He really is a mysterious man, I wonder where he went and what he is up to.

In the end I told them about our journey in search of the spirits in an attempt to fix the world.

They were both silent listening to the stories, especially Corneria. She looked quite excited with her eyes sparkling despite her expressionless face. As expected, they claimed to be clueless on the subject.

After this conversation, we prepared a nice feast with what we had on hand.