29. Boring Revenge

Dessy, who basically still doesn't accept the humiliation she got in the cafeteria, is back looking for trouble with Natalie. She felt insulted that Natalie didn't even give her face in front of everyone.

Dessy glared fiercely, as if she wanted to tear Natalie apart through her gaze. "Team leader Dessy! Call me team leader Dessy! You should have called me right!"

Natalie raised an eyebrow. Oh! So, now Dessy wants to clarify her position to Natalie? If so, then Natalie could also do the same.

Natalie crossed her arms in front of her chest, her face looked haughty with a crooked smile accompanied by a hideous look. "Okay team leader Dessy. I want to be called secretary Natalie too! Don't you have to call me the right way too?"

Natalie was so good at turning words around that it irritated the other person. Dessy growled angrily, she pounded Natalie's desk, making a loud noise. This attracted the attention of employees in the finance team.

Many pairs of eyes watched the commotion about what would happen between Natalie and Dessy. Whispers began and reached Natalie's ears.

"What is it this time? Are they going to make a fuss like in the cafeteria?"

"I don't know. But, isn't it fun watching a fight?"

"Yes! Especially between a team leader and a secretary."

"Ah, don't forget our General Manager! I don't know if this commotion reaches his ears, who will he defend next?"

"Isn't it clear that our team leader will be retained because she has a good performance?"

"Not necessarily. It could be that Mr. Dimas defended Natalie's secretary because she was beautiful."

"Hm, well, it could be."

"Isn't it too noisy? What if Mr. Dimas hears the commotion outside?"

"We'll just pretend we don't know. We're just spectators, after all."

On the other hand, Dessy grinned widely. "Secretary Natalie, you're new to the company, but it's already very rude to a team leader like me! I doubt your attitude in the future, are you maybe going to be abusive with other employees who have positions under you?"

Natalie put on a face as if to say, "Are you kidding? Shouldn't those words be directed at yourself?!"

When Natalie was about to reply to Dessy's words, a voice suddenly sounded. "Sis Natalie is not that kind of person!"

Suddenly, everyone turned to the source of the voice and saw the figure of a man who stood out among the others. You can already guess who it was.

That's Zidan. The man started to walk towards Natalie and Dessy as well. Every step he took was firm and filled with confidence. Zidan looks different from when he was at work. There was no more careless look on his face.

Dessy chuckled sarcastically when she saw a stupid and unreliable new employee like Zidan. Dessy cast a low glance at Zidan then turned to Natalie. "Wow, what is this?! So, you have a backup, secretary Natalie? Isn't it enough to shamelessly try to hook Mr. Dimas, now that you've even conquered our incompetent employees?"

Dessy laughed at Natalie, who just glared at the woman with a sharp gaze without uttering a word. Dessy thought Natalie was dead and couldn't reply to her words. She was getting more and more satisfied and wanted to say more things to embarrass Natalie.

"I've never seen such a shameless person…"

"I'm not anyone's backup! It's true that Sis Natalie conquered me. But, not because she's the kind of person the team leader thinks! Sis Natalie is a good person. So, it's only natural that I submit to her. Then, she also helped me finish the work when Sis Wiwit can't help me."

Zidan's voice trailed off as he uttered the last sentence about Natalie helping him finish the job. This was something he shouldn't have said out loud. Zidan was ashamed of himself for frankly having to admit that he was indeed incompetent.

However, that's okay! It's a kind of sacrifice to defend the innocent! So, Zidan is ready to lose a bit of his pride.

Dessy roared in anger because her words were cut off by Zidan. She hadn't finished speaking yet, how dare an incompetent employee treat her so disrespectfully like Natalie! Indeed, they are basically a gang so that their nature is equally annoying.

"Zidan! I warned you not to interfere in my and Natalie's troubles. Or I will not let you off easily. Then, in the future, you will be involved in matters related to Natalie!"

Zidan was a little nervous, he glanced at Natalie to see how Natalie reacted to Zidan's words. Natalie looked flat, their gazes met, making Zidan feel tense. Honestly, he was afraid of Dessy, moreover Dessy's threats made him feel threatened.

Suddenly Zidan felt a tug on his hand, making him take a few steps back. Zidan turned to the side and saw Raka who looked coldly at him.

"Don't meddle, Zidan! Remember, you're new here! Don't lose your hard-earned job just because you want to defend someone you don't really know!" Raka spoke in a low voice and warned.

Zidane shook his head. "No, Ka! I have to…"

Zidan's words stopped when his eyes met with Natalie, who shook her head. Natalie hinted that Zidane should not intervene. Zidan objected, he was about to protest, but Natalie glared at him. The man was silent for a moment with his head lowered.

Raka glanced at Natalie with a flat gaze, then turned to Dessy. Raka bowed his head slightly. "Forgive my friend, team leader. He's a reckless person. Please team leader to forgive him."

Dessy squeaked. In the end, the people under her would submit to Dessy if she used power. "I'll forgive him this time because he has friends like you who know how to behave properly in these circumstances."

Raka lowered his head deeper. "Thank you, team leader."

Raka turned and immediately dragged Zidan away from the source of the commotion. Zidan could only resign himself to being pulled by Raka. Seeing how the person who defended her ended up being pulled over by a friend, Natalie sighed.

Natalie was tired of Dessy. She, who originally wanted to vent her anger, had to swallow back her intentions because Dessy bore her. Natalie put her elbows on the table and put her fists on her cheeks. Her face showed boredom towards Dessy's attitude.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Dessy snorted, she brought her face closer to Natalie and glared sharply. "Secretary Natalie, I warn you, I will definitely avenge the insults you gave me!"

Natalie stared at Dessy for a moment, she rolled her eyes lazily. "Huh, when was that?"

Dessy shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't know. I will definitely repay you in an unexpected situation! So, Natalie… you should always be careful and prepare yourself to receive my revenge!"

Natalie sighed in boredom. "I'll definitely take it whenever it is!"

Dessy distanced herself from Natalie and then turned to walk away, leaving Natalie. Everyone, who initially only paid attention, has now returned to focus on the computer screen. The bell rang loudly, sending everyone to their desks and finishing the unfinished work or doing the work that had just arrived.

Natalie did the same. She busied herself with her work, with only a few documents remaining. Tomorrow is a business trip, so she has to finish work at the company, so she can go on a business trip in peace.

Natalie sighed heavily as she leaned her back against the back of the chair. Exhausting. Not only thinking about work, Natalie has to solve her love problems too.

Natalie closed her eyes. Dimas's confession was still ringing in her mind. Again, Natalie sighed as if carrying the weight of the world. "Huh, when will everything end and go back to the way it was? After a long time, it's also tiring if you have to endure alone."


"What will Dimas do about the project he is working on?"

In the CEO's room which was none other than William's office, the man was observing the outside scene that was exposed before him. The back of the room is designed using glass, the goal is to be able to enjoy the outside view. This is done to relieve stress from working all day long.

William glances at the temporary secretary placed by Christian. Tazkia, the woman who became William's temporary secretary, had a flat expression. Ah, like she never even smiled because William never saw her.

Tazkia looked down and read the document she was holding, then conveyed the information contained in the document. "Mr. Dimas is going on a business trip tomorrow with Natalie's secretary. They will see where the hotel will be built."

William stroked his chin, looking thoughtful for a moment. "Hm, he's taken the right steps. By seeing for himself the place where the construction will take place, he can make his assessment of the project."

William chuckled sarcastically, his eyes showing no sign of pleasure. "Well, no doubt from a Genius, it seems that he will definitely make the project run smoothly. Tsk, that's why Father entrusted the big project to him."

William glanced at Tazkia who was still standing beside him. "Azki, what do you think about Dimas?"

Tazkia slightly frowned. No one ever called her Azki. Most would call her Kia. So, the nickname that was suddenly given by William made Tazkia as the owner of the name a little uncomfortable.

Even so, Tazkia still tried to be professional and answered the questions asked by William. "Mr. Dimas as you say. He is a genius, can master the procedures for managing a company in a short time. He even learns everything quickly. The average person will definitely experience difficulties, and it takes a long time. But, it seems, all that doesn't apply to him. "

William's face looked sour when he heard Tazkia praising Dimas. Actually, Tazkia didn't praise him, she just conveyed what she knew about Dimas.

"Then, Mr. Dimas also has a good performance in completing his work. Coupled with Natalie's secretary, he is growing even more." Tazkia took a deep breath, she was almost out of breath from talking too much.

William raised an eyebrow. Does the presence of a secretary bring major changes to work performance? As long as Tazkia is his secretary, William can admit that he is also growing because of her. But, if it were anyone else, William was always dissatisfied with their work and ended up firing them or those who resigned first.

William huffed in annoyance. Actually, he didn't want Tazkia to talk about Dimas anymore. However, William is very curious about what Dimas has been doing lately.

"What else?"

Tazkia was silent, then asked after taking a courageous breath. "So, Mr. Liam, when can I resign from my position as your temporary secretary?"

William's breath caught a little when he heard Tazkia's question. "Azki, why do you always want to resign? With you as my secretary is much better. You always refuse if I want to make you my personal secretary. Instead of searching for someone else who is not satisfying, it's better for you, right?"