45. Useless

Dimas observed Dira whose body seemed to stiffen. Curious about what the woman in front of him saw, Dimas poked his head out to look into the alley. His reaction was exactly like Dira. Dimas was surprised to see the person lying on the ground wearing the exact same clothes as Natalie.


"Shhh…" Dira immediately covered Dimas' mouth with her palm and glared at the man who had rushed to call out to Natalie.

Dira growled. "You idiot, huh?! What if they find out where we are?!"

Dimas felt guilty, he couldn't help but worry about Natalie, who didn't look well with the burly people. Dimas removed Dira's hand from his mouth.

"What happened to Nata?" Dimas lowered his voice so as not to be heard by the men in the alley, who could harm Natalie at any time.

Dira looked back into the alley, and it seemed the men didn't realize she was with Dimas. Then, Dimas' voice was also drowned by their laughter.