53. Tragedy

Dave couldn't escape the stampede he received on his body. Starting from his head, back, and legs, Dave couldn't move freely. Only his hands tried to lift his body, but the pressure on his back was much stronger than two feet stepped on him.

"Hahaha it's so nice to see you can't move freely under our feet!"

"Finally! There's a day when we put you under our feet!"

"Hohoho… are you enjoying your face kissing the floor, Dave?! Don't you feel cramped down there?!"

"You're the person I hate the most, Dave! Pretending to be a dutiful son, didn't you know you even got rid of your father's throne!"

"At least I hate Doni openly and want to kill him, unlike you who are a total hypocrite!"

Dave growled angrily. "Shut up, you bastards! Yes, I'm a hypocrite! But, you guys who blatantly can't even fight my father to the end! Hahaha, you big mouthed loser!"