57. Who Deceived Whom?

At night in a restaurant, in the VIP room, there is Omar sitting with Tessa. Tessa wearing a sky blue knee-length dress looks perfect for her face that looks beautiful and pure white. They are waiting for Christian and Dimas to arrive.

Tessa couldn't help but feel uneasy. She was worried that Dimas would not come to the meeting because Tessa had mentioned Natalie. "Pa, is he coming?"

Omar held his daughter's cold hand. The middle-aged man smiled gently, trying to calm his daughter's nervousness. "Tessa, Christian said he was coming with his son. So, you don't have to worry. Besides, Papa wouldn't plan to make Christian refuse your match with his son."

Tessa breathed a sigh of relief. Well, it seems that everything is going smoothly according to her will. Dimas will go into her hands, and Tessa won't just let him go.