72. Dizzy (18+)

Warning! There are 18+ slightly more intimate scenes at the end of the chapter. You can skip that part if you're not comfortable with overly intimate scenes.


Natalie hugged Dimas back tightly when she felt the weight of Dimas' body being placed on her. It seems Dimas is unable to stand on his own feet. Not to mention, Dimas's breathing was heavy and the man's body temperature was also cold.

"Sweetheart, what happened to you?" Natalie stroked Dimas's limp hair, it seemed that the man was sweating profusely, which made Natalie even more worried.

What's wrong with Dimas? Why did his condition suddenly worsen even though this morning was still fine?

"Dizzy, Nata…" Dimas whined as he tightened his arms on Natalie.

Natalie finally relented, she led Dimas to the sofa to sit down first. After sitting down, Dimas clung tightly to Natalie, the man's hand wrapped around Natalie's waist with his head in the crook of his lover's neck.