74. Trust

"Wait a moment." Adrian raised his hand to stop Dimas from asking further. The doctor massaged his throbbing temples, remembering the question from Dimas.

"Amnesia? How can you conclude that you have amnesia without getting tested?" Adrian knows that Dimas Genius. However, he still couldn't believe that Dimas had correctly guessed his own condition.

Dimas grimaced while scratching his cheek, feeling awry. How did he explain the absurd things he was going through? A foreign memory suddenly entered and there was a huge black hole in his memory. Even more absurd, why did Dimas realize his own strangeness?

"Uhm… I've been having a lot of headaches lately. It feels like my head is going to burst. Then, recently, I've had a vague memory of my childhood. So far, only two memories I can remember, although there are a few indistinct words and faces."