76. Go!

Natalie adapts well in her new environment. Everything is luxurious and spacious. Even the room she occupied was twice as large as the one she and Friska lived in. Talking about Friska, Natalie learns the bad news that her mother has died by suicide.

Natalie is sad, she feels that she is the cause of Friska's death. Her mother would have been alive if Natalie hadn't been born. Friska was right, Natalie shouldn't be in this world because her presence only brings trouble to the people around her.

But now that Natalie was feeling down because of her mother's death, she was reminded of a man who claimed to be her father. Natalie spends her days at Doni's house and meets Dave, her older brother.

Dave, who at that time was five years older than Natalie, was busy training hard. Natalie doesn't know what it's worth to practice weapons and runs into Dave a few times against adults.