90. You Are Sick, Dimas!

With a heavy heart, they agreed to make a decision. "Very well, Young Master. We will release this little girl."

Natalie felt the grip on her hand loosen. She immediately ran to Dimas, afraid that the people would change their minds. Natalie hid behind Dimas' back, holding tightly to the jacket the boy was wearing.

"Dimas, I'm scared…" Natalie mumbled softly in a voice that sounded shaky, indicating that she was really scared.

Dimas grabbed Natalie's tiny hand, holding it tightly, trying to calm the little girl. "Nata, calm down. Everything will be fine."

Natalie gasped when her cold hand touched Dimas' hand, which had the opposite body temperature to hers. This sent chills down Natalie's body as the heat pierced her bones.

Concern was reflected on Natalie's face, replacing the fear that previously enveloped her. "Dimas, are you sick? Your body is very hot!"