110. Ending This Relationship

Dimas felt even more tortured when Natalie shifted down from his shoulders to his stomach. Dimas's stomach, which a while ago was normal without ABS, is now starting to form because he has taken the time to exercise and shape his body so as not to disappoint Natalie.

It would be a shame if Natalie herself protested about Dimas' stomach. So, before Natalie made a fuss about it, Dimas took the initiative to do the things he needed to do to keep his relationship with Natalie running smoothly.

Natalie stroked Dimas's sixpack stomach. Honestly, Natalie really likes men who have six-pack abs. However, when she saw Dimas's belly, which was soft like a baby's, of course, she couldn't help but like the texture. "It's firm, and looks good. However, don't get too formed because I don't want the softness in your belly to go away, Sweetheart…"