112. Fierce Debate

Natalie answered reluctantly, "Hm… Later…"

"Don't delay, Natalie. If Zelin is here, but you haven't finished cleaning up, she'll think you don't want to eat with her." Dave rocked Natalie, who was still lying on her back.

Natalie finally sat up with dim eyes. She took the towel that Dave had brought. "Okay, I'll clean myself up."

Natalie stepped into the bathroom in her room. She closed the bathroom door and prepared to clean herself from the sweat from work.

As her head was splashed with cold water, Natalie's mind immediately became clear. "Huh? Looks like I forgot something…"

Natalie, who initially felt that nothing strange had happened today, suddenly remembered the sharp gaze that seemed to be watching her from one direction when she was about to enter the restaurant with Dimas. At that time, Natalie did not see any suspicious people. However, in retrospect, it made more sense that the gazes might have come from enemy spies targeting Dave.