120. Not Cruel, Just Lack of Sympathy and Empathy

- Natalie

Sweetheart, you finally replied to my messages. I'm worried because you haven't come to the office this morning, but apparently you're busy meeting with investors. Okay, I'll prepare all the files. Take good care of yourself, Sweetheart!

- Dimas

I'm sorry to worry you, Nata. Thank you, I will definitely take good care of myself.

Natalie chuckled when she saw the love sticker sent by Dimas. Natalie's cheeks turned red, even though they looked faint. "Sweetness… I can't wait to meet him!"

"Meet who?" Wiwit peeked at Natalie's cellphone screen, to find out why Natalie had a flowery expression.

Natalie quickly turned off her cellphone screen so that Wiwit didn't know the cause of her excitement. "Meet my boyfriend, Sis."

"Woah, Sis Natalie has a boyfriend?! Since when?" Zidan was immediately surprised to hear Natalie's unexpected statement.

Natalie nodded her head. "Yes, I have a boyfriend since a month ago."