131. Are You Kidding?

"Sshh… Sir, my head hurts. Can't the test end here? I've done too many questions in my current state." Dimas grimaced as he touched his temple which was covered in bandages and felt a throbbing pain. He closed his eyes tightly, unable to bear the pain that seemed to be eating him to death.

The tutor grimaced, feeling guilty for making a patient like Dimas who should spend time at home resting after receiving treatment at the hospital, actually have to work on various kinds of difficult questions.

Even though Dimas is a genius, the tutor is sure that Dimas' head still hurts to be able to focus and think clearly and precisely in doing the questions given. Unexpectedly, all of Dimas' values ​​have really dropped.

The tutor was even able to confirm that Dimas' IQ had dropped dramatically. Dimas who is now no different from ordinary children, what is even worse Dimas has intelligence below average.