Chapter Twenty-Four



Dayne Jamila's POV

I chose to stay away from Dylan and Chelsea. Somewhat I deserve a break. A break from all the pain I've encountered.

Maybe I am not just the one who's hurting but this is the only way I see for me to breathe.

Dylan's memory has not come back yet and I really don't know what to do. 

Chelsea said I should help her brother gain back what's lost but I don't have enough courage to do so.

A few weeks have been passed by and today is the schedule of Dylan and Chelsea's flight. They will be leaving and I really don't have any plan to stop them.

"What is your plan, Jamila? Their flight is at exactly three o'clock in the afternoon," said Roxette. We are now at the library.

I just shook my head.

"Will you not fight for Dylan?" she asked again and I just shook my head again.

"Can you please come with me, Jamila? I will just show you something."