Chapter 2: Taking Stock


I am in Marvel.

Sure, I am my favorite mutant character, but once again I am in Marvel!

On the grand scale of things I am nothing. Off the top of my head I can easily list at least 50 people and or beings who can kill me without even breaking a sweat.

"Shit!" I cried out.

I then felt a cold sweat begin to run down my body.

Though before I completely ended up losing my shit I remembered that there are infinite versions of Marvel, and that I have no idea which one I am in yet.

So using that as a lifeline I worked to calm down.

I then started walking over to Roberto's, well now my, computer so I could do some research and hopefully determine which version of the Marvel universe I ended up in. Since before I do anything else that is a must.

Especially if I am now living in a Marvel universe I no absolutely nothing about.

That might be the worst outcome.

Even worse than if I ended up in the Marvel zombieverse.

No, scratch that. Anything would be better than ending up in that hell dimension.

Reaching the desk where my computer was I pulled out the chair and took a seat. I then got ready to turn on the computer.

Only to stop when I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the monitor.

Looking back I saw a teenage boy with a handsome face, curly black hair, dark-brown eyes, and caramel-colored skin. I couldn't help but smile upon seeing this. Because although I am not a vain person I have to admit my new appearance looks good.

An appearance I know will only improve as I grow older.

Which means snagging the ladies shouldn't be an issue.

Wait, speaking of age, I wonder how old I am right now?

As I pondered this my new memories quickly gave me the answer.

Currently I am fifteen years old. My birthday, just having passed two weeks ago. The date in question happening to be June 20th. The first day of summer. Sort of ironic, considering my now powerset. Which brings up another question.

Have I awakened my mutant powers yet?

The original Roberto did so when he was fourteen, but I have no idea if that was the case with the Roberto of this world before I became him. So I definitely need to check on that.

But first things first.

Trying to determine the version of Marvel I now call home.

Booting up the computer I easily logged in, the computer password apart of my new memories, and then got to work doing my research.

But not before checking out the original Roberto's browser history.

I was curious to see if we had any of the same tastes, and it turns out we do.

So after learning that I truly got down to business.

First I did a search for certain companies I remembered from the Marvel universe.

In doing so I got results which showed me Stark Industries exists in this world. Along with Pym Technologies and even Oscorp Industries. Upon learning this I pulled up more information on those three business and saw that Tony Stark and Hank Pym look exactly like the actors who played them in the MCU.

Robert Downey Jr. and Michael Douglas.

Their personal histories, or at least what I could find publicly, matched up from what I remembered about them from the MCU as well.

Though when I looked into Oscorp I found that Norman Osborn looked exactly like Willem Dafoe, the actor who played him in the Sam Reimi Spiderman film trilogy. 

Not only that but currently there is a Dr. Richard Parker working for Oscorp Industries, and he looks exactly like he did in the Amazing Spiderman films.

Making me wonder if Spiderman is a thing yet, and if he is which version would it be?

While thinking about this I looked up some world history, and found it was almost exactly the same as back in my old world. Save for a few differences, like the events of World War II.

While focusing on that I managed to find a picture of Captain America and his Howling Commandoes.

Cap being the spitting image of Chris Evans.

The other Howling Commandoes in the photo looked exactly like their MCU actors as well. Save for one.

James freaking Howlett. The Wolverine!

A man who was an exact carbon copy of his X-men film actor Hugh Jackman.

Upon seeing this, and given who I am, after I finished with reviewing world history I started researching mutants, and what I ended up with was links to a hot of hate mongering sites. I also found several articles on one senator Robert Kelly and his stance in regards to Mutants. I even found urban legend sites giving a description of the old bucket head himself, Magneto. Though in regards to him I found nothing substantial.

The same for his Brotherhood.

I also didn't find anything on the X-men.

Though I did find several papers written by one Charles Francis Xavier. Telling me professor X is a thing in this world.

So since he and his boyfriend, no I mean husband, no sorry rival, are then it stands to reason the X-men and Brotherhood should be appearing sooner rather than later. The only question is when.

After learning about them I moved onto various random searches.

In doing so learning that Bolivar Trask and his company exist here, and the Fantastic Four are already a thing. The four having gained their powers like in the mainstream earth-616 universe, though none of them look like their actors from the Tim Story films.

Including one Victor Von Doom.

Who is currently king of Latveria.

Learning this opened up a pit in my stomach. Since this mean this world's version of Doom will be closer to his comic book versions and not his live-action versions. That's bad. Given that Doom is so much fucking worse in the comics than in any of the F4 films.

I really hope a God Emperor Doom doesn't make an appearance in this universe one day.

But I'm getting a bit sidetracked.

After about two hours of research I've gotten a general sense of the Marvel universe I am in.

It seems to be based primarily around the MCU, but also contains the elements of the Fox X-men films, the Sam Reimi and Amazing Spiderman films, and even some elements of Earth-616.

So in short not mind blowingly dangerous, but still way more dangerous than the original MCU.

Good thing I was reborn as Roberto Da Costa then.

Because that means I have power. Power which I can use to survive, and even thrive in this world. As well as accomplish any goals I set out to do.

Along with my metaknowledge of course.

Leaning back in my chair I smiled.

Lookout world, the new Roberto Da Costa is here so you better get ready.