Chapter 4: Family

I have a sister.

That's impossible.

Since I don't think Roberto Da Costa ever had a sister.

Taking a moment I thought about it, and then recalled all the times I skimmed Roberto's official Marvel wiki page.

Like I did with so many of the other Marvel official wiki pages.

In doing so I did recall it listed a sister as one of his relatives, but she was unnamed and never made an official appearance in the comics. Yet, here she is right before my eyes.

My gaze on Beatriz several of my new memories suddenly jumped to the forefront of my mind. Me and Beatriz playing with each other when we were younger, the two of us laughing, the two of us scared, and even the two of us telling each other about our Mutant powers when they awakened on the same day over a year ago.

Recalling all of this I suddenly felt Beatriz was not some stranger, but my actual sister whom I love and would give anything to protect.

Also, she's a Mutant too?!

Recalling that important bit of information from my new memories I realized my sister has the same powers as the DC Comics heroine who she shares her name with, Fire.

Not only that but when her powers awakened her hair naturally became a green color.

Just like Fire from DC comics as well.

Which is a fucking scary coincidence.

Especially since DC comics, nor do any elements of it, exist in this universe whatsoever.

So yeah.

I'm going to stop poking that particular bear. Before I learn something I really don't want to. Some mysteries are just better left unsolved. Like how I ended up in this world as Roberto Da Costa in the first place.

I'm not questioning that.

No reason to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Moving on.

Beatriz and I just simply continued to stare at each other for several seconds.

Until out of nowhere she leaned in and began moving her heard all around, close to my neck and face area.

"Sis, what are you doing?" I asked her.

"Just checking to make sure you really are my brother. Since what I am seeing right now is a miracle. Roberto Da Costa, getting up on a summer day without anyone coming to wake him up. Am I in a parallel universe or something?!" Beatriz spoke.

I gave her a deadpan stare in response.

'No, you are not." I replied.

Though those things she mentioned are always a possibility in a Marvel universe.

"Are you sure?" Beatriz asked.

"Yes." I replied. "Now excuse me, my stomach is rumbling and the more I stand here talking to you the more that'll happen. So step aside." I spoke.

I then lightly pushed Beatriz out of the way and fully exited my bedroom.

Closing my door behind me I started making my way to the dining room.

Beatriz following right behind me.

Soon us pair of siblings arrived at our destination.

Two people already seated at the dining room table, having already started eating breakfast.

The first is a man who looks like an older version of yours truly, just with a full-beard covering his face.

His name is Emmanuel Da Costa. Mine and Beatriz father, as well as the founder and CEO of Da Costa International. One of the world's largest multinational corporations.

While the second person is a woman. She has pale skin, shoulder-length bright red hair and bright blue eyes.

Her name is Nina Da Costa nee Avery.

An American-born woman, who came to live in Brazil, where we are currently located, when she was very young. Falling in love with the culture she became an archaeologist and has a successful career.

Upon mine and Beatriz arrival our parents stopped eating and looked in our direction, smiles on their faces.

"Morning my pride and joys." Mom spoke.

"Yes, good morning to you both my lovely children." Dad said.

"Morning/Good morning." Beatriz and I replied at the same time.

We then took out seats at the table and began eating breakfast alongside our parents. A thing our parents try to make a regular occurrence. They also do the same with several other activities, given they both have busy schedules.

But thankfully from what I can see from my new memories my parents have no intention of divorcing. They are happily in love.

Likely because my father Emmanuel isn't the ruthless and greedy businessman he was depicted like in the comics. Instead from my memories I would compare him more to the MCU's older Howard Stark.

Which is fine by me.

Since from what I can see he's been a great dad, and I want him to continue being so. Meaning if the Hellfire Club exists and tries to rope him, or any of my family, into their shit their asses are grass.

Because I won't let anyone hurt my family.

"So, what are your plans for today?" Mom asked the two of us.

"I'm heading over to the agency for a photoshoot." Beatriz spoke.

Since just like her DC counterpart she is a model. A job she is really good at. I can recall seeing several of her photos, and I'll admit my sister knows what she's doing. I think she might even have the makings of an actress if she plays her cards right.

Though that's for her to decide.

"I see." Mom replied. "Alright. So, my Roberto what about you?" She asked.

"I'm going to work on getting better control of my powers." I explained.

Since both Emmanuel and Nina know that Beatriz and I have powers, and they love us and accept us still. Makes me respect them even more.

"Oh, really?" Mom asked. A hint of worry in her voice.

Though I know that's for me, and not about anything else.

"Yes, mom." I replied. "For the only way to get powers under control is if you train with them. Ignoring them doesn't end well." I spoke.

"Spoken well son." Dad said. "If you want to conquer a challenge, then facing it head on is usually your best bet."

"I know dad, you say that all the time." I replied.

"And it's absolutely true." He replied. A smile on his face.

The entire family then shared a laugh.

Once we did we got back to eating, and made small talk until eventually everyone was finished and went their separate ways.

Me getting ready to take my powers out for real test drive.


(3rd Person: POV)

Alone in a spherical room, a man in a wheelchair sat on an extended platform.

A helmet atop his head, which had multiple cords connecting it to the computer terminal located directly in front of him.

His eyes closed the man suddenly opened them.

After he did a holographic display filled the spherical room and millions of ghostly silhouettes appeared around the man in the wheelchair.

Whose name is Charles Francis Xavier.

[Insert Image of Charles Francis Xavier Here]

A man who possess the power of telepathy, and runs a school for people who have awakened their superhuman abilities via the X-gene.

Currently known as Mutants.

In no time at all Charles Xavier used the device he was connected to, a machine known as Cerebro, to zero in on the location of two Mutant signatures.

Since that was one of Cerebro's purposes.

Helping Charles locate Mutants.

After doing this Charles shut down Cerebro, and removed the helmet from his head.

He then turned around and wheeled out of the room he was in.

Making preparations to visit the two Mutant signatures he had just located in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Where Roberto and his family lived.


A/N: Hey readers. So after thinking I've decided to try alternating between this and my Osmosian story. Work on one for one week, and then the other the next week. Switch back and forth. We'll see how it goes.