Chapter 8: Kamar-Taj

Following master Drumm, and Jericho, the three of us soon arrived at a set of doors.

Once we did master Drumm opened them up and then he and his brother stepped out of the way.

When they did I gave them a quick nod of thanks before walking through the open doors and finding myself inside of a room.

The doors closing behind me by themselves, like when I entered the New York Sanctum a moment ago.

Ignoring the magic automatic doors I focused my attention on what was in front of me.

Which is the Ancient One seated at a table in the middle of the room.

The female version from the MCU much to my delight.

[Insert Image of MCU Ancient One Here]

"Good day to you Mr. Da Costa. Please, have a seat. There are some things we need to discuss." She spoke. Gesturing to the chair in front of her.

Which I moved to take a seat in.

"Tea?" The Ancient One asked.

"Yes." I replied. Not wanting to be rude.

Hearing my answer the Ancient One created a small spell circle in the middle of the table, and a moment after she did a teapot and two tea cups atop saucers appeared.

As the magic faded the Ancient One poured herself and me some tea.

Accepting the cup I drank from it and found it tasted good.

Suprising me, since I never liked tea in my previous life.

But here I just might come to enjoy it if it tastes like the one I am drinking right now all the time.

The Ancient One and I drank tea together in utter silence for close to five minutes.

Before she decided to get the conversation going once more.

"Mr. Da Costa, I must say you are a most interesting individual." The Ancient One began. "Until a few weeks ago I didn't even know of your existence. Then all of a sudden one day that changed. I came to learn you will play a major role in events that have not yet come to pass."

"Really? I guess that means I'm doing something right."

"Your attempt at humor will not change the flow of this conversation Mr. Da Costa." The Ancient One spoke. She then put a serious expression on his face. "So, let me finally ask you. Who are you truly Mr. Da Costa and why should I help you?"

The Ancient One finally asking the questions that I already knew would be at the heart of this little one-on-one session.

Questions I am prepared to answer.

Taking another of my tea I gently set the cup down on its saucer.

I then looked the Ancient One directly in her eyes.

"To answer your first question Ancient One, I am a man who was suddenly thrust into a world he had little to no understanding of, but is trying to make sense of and even thrive in. I am a man who wishes to change this world we live in. But more importantly I am a man who seeks to protect himself and those closer to him. And to do that I need power. Which is why I have sought you out. Because I know you can help me obtain the power I am currently seeking." I explained. "As for why you should help me, I can't give you a concrete answer. If you refuse to help me that is your choice. I will understand if you do, and currently it's not like there is anything I can do to make you help me. Not that I would if I could, since I want you to be an ally of mine. The point is I am simply a man seeking knowledge you have access to, and would like you to allow me to learn it."

"I see." The Ancient One replied.

"Yes." I said. "So, what's the verdict?"

Before giving me a response the Ancient One took another sip from her teacup and then refilled it.

"I will allow you to learn at Kamar-Taj." Ancient One spoke.

"Thank you." I said.

Happy she accepted me on as a student of her magical order.

Now my magical journey can finally begin.

I'm about to become a wizard bitches!

After the Ancient One agreed to allow me to train at Kamar-Taj the two of us left the room we were in and rejoined master Drumm and Jericho in the main hall of the New York Sanctum.

Once we did the Ancient One opened up a portal directly to Kamar-Taj.

Which she then walked through.

Me following right behind her.

Along with Jericho to my surprise.

"So, you are still a student at Kamar-Taj?" I asked Jericho.

As the portal the Ancient One opened closed and our group of three found ourselves in the courtyard of Kamar-Taj.

A place the movies didn't do justice in the slightest.

"Yes, I am." He replied. His words laced with a French accent.

Which doesn't surprise me in the slightest since in the comics he was originally from Haiti. A fact I guess is true in this world as well.

Even though I didn't hear a trace of an accent when Daniel spoke.

I guess he's learned to hide it or it's diminished over the years.

"Actually I am a novice just like you." Jericho told me.

"Really?" I asked. "Could've fooled me." I said.

"Oh I can assure Mr. Da Costa young Jericho is not telling you a lie." The Ancient One said. "Even if he does carry himself like an experienced sorcerer he has no more training in the mystic arts than you. Though he does hold immense talent. Considering the Staff of Legba immediately chose him the moment he arrived in our care to begin his magical studies a week ago." She revealed.

"Huh." I mused. "Well once again nice to meet you Jericho and good to be learning alongside you." I said.


"Roberto. Roberto Da Costa." I said.

"Likewise then Roberto." Jericho spoke.

He then offered me his hand and I shook it.

The two of us sharing a manly handshake.

After we did the Ancient One began leading us, our group passing a mass of order members who were being led in a training session by none other than Karl Mordo.

[Insert Image of MCU Karl Mordo Here]

The order members moving entirely in sync as they threw punches and kicks.

I wonder, do they practice to move like that or does it just happen naturally?

This thought ran through my mind as the Ancient One led Jericho and I to our quarters.

Which were right next to each other.

So we're basically roommates.

"Get a good rest gentleman, you're training begins tomorrow." The Ancient One spoke.

"Yes." Jericho replied.

"Understood." I said. "Also, may I have the WiFi password?" I asked.

A smile on her face the Ancient One reached into her rope and pulled out a piece of paper, which she then handed to me before taking her leave.

As she did I looked down at the paper and saw the WiFi password written on it.


As I saw this I suddenly began wondering, since magic is real here does that mean the Harry Houdini of this world could actually use magic?

Man, what a day it's been.