I still didn't asked her name

"let's start with unsealing your fuinjusu seal." mito enthusiastically anwers after I told her that I have finished reading.

"Grandma, you say that to seal something, you need to inscribe a sealing formula on the participant's body but I didn't notice it while I was taking a bath. " I asked my question.

"that's because, the seal that I used on you isn't a normal one but a special prototype one

created by our ancestor. " mito answers.

"Prototype? then what about a full version? " I asked her somewhat interested.

"He never succeeded in it or so the ancestral records say but one thing was sure that if he succeeded then it would have been the strongest seal ever . " mito emphasize.

"Strongest seal!? " now that got me hooked.

"What could it do ?" I asked.

" Records says that it could merge various kekkai genkai with the Individual's body and strengthen and merge the soul energy with physical energy to produce huge amount of chakra rivaling that of a tailed beast! " mito exclaimed excitedly.

"Wow!! " now that got me fired up.

"Has there been any successful cases yet. "

I asked.

"No." and now she pours cold water after all that? "It wasn't possible because the condition it required was.... a bit excessive. "

mito explained a bit dejected.

"why? " even though I am just a beginner in fuinjutsu but I loved it cause it give the feeling of programming but with more versatility and possibilities , like a mixture of python and JavaScript? what the hell is wrong with my comparison!? so as a fellow seal enthusiast, I can understand why she is a bit dejected because the strongest seal wasn't completed.

*back to the story*

"The condition required are, a strong physique, huge amount of chakra and huge amount of spiritual energy. " she looked a little downcast.

"wait, doesn't all this got covered in your Uzumaki's clansmen. " I asked a bit lost.

"Yes, the first 2 conditions are indeed fulfilled by most of our clansmen but the third one is a bit absurd. " mito explains bitterly.

"why" I asked

" because the spritual energy it required proportionate to the size of the human body was just absurd! it required the spiritual energy of Uzumaki's clan fuinjutsu expert inside the body of a 6 yr old child! it's impossible to satisfied this condition without posing a paradox. If a child had that much spiritual energy then he will basically die from the spirit pressure but even if it does, the person won't be able to produce any chakra due to the huge contrast between the physical and spiritual energy which left the previously stated first 2 conditions to be unfulfilled. "

mito sighs and continues happily. " but izuna-kun, you are different. You fullfil the 3rd condition directly and break the paradox. Given some time for you to grow, I am very sure that this seal can be used by you and besides you also have a great affinity to it since your spiritual energy almost provide no resistence to it while the sealing procedure. " mito happily replies with a smile while my mind was lost in thoughts.

'A seal with such absurd conditions, Only a traverser like me can fulfilled it ...

it's almost like, it's like it was basically made for traverser... or was it? maybe the Uzumaki's clan ancestor was a traverser like myself or maybe.... the conditions and seal was just a coincidental fit for a traverser. ' my thoughts run wild and I thought every possibility.

"Izuna-kun , this seal is the pride of our ancestors and as the former princess of the Uzumaki clan, I request you to please help fulfilling my ancestors wishes in completing this seal. " Mito bowed towards me on her knees.

My thoughts were in a stalemate.

'so all the previous bullshits were a facade just to make me complete their seal....

All were fake sympathy.... an act.

All this because I fullfil the conditions of this seal that's why she put up such an act... '

my thoughts were blank.

' there was a girl in my previous world.....

she asked me for my notes because I was an easy target.... looks like nothing changed in this world too.....

*An Easy Target *

when did I become one or why did these people ignored me.....

I don't know but...

looks like my previous thinking was correct.....

I can only depend and trust myself.....

both the world is full of deceptions.... '

I got up and moved out of the room with a smile on my face..... not a happy one but rather a heart broken, disappointed one...

the one whose trust was broken..

don't they say...

` Never break 3 things in your life.

Relationship, heart and trust. `

my heart was broken, my trust was broken and my relationship with her was automatically broken after these 2 broked.

I quietly left the room without looking back.

I heard some noises behind the room but I didn't listen.

I started leaving the compound and many people asked me where was I going? was it tsunade who asked that? I don't know and I didn't listen.....

I left the compound and started going towards the wood cause , that is where I find myself in solace . A girl was sneakily tailing me or so she thought but I didn't give her my attention.

I reached the forest and climb up a tree grown on the edge of the lake. A girl was trying to climb it too but I didn't care.

I reached the highest branch and looked over the surface of the lake which was shining with golden light of the sunset....

it wasn't golden but orange.... maybe even a little bit red.

I calmed down a bit and looked over the beautiful scenery of the sunset and the orange sky. I felt peace in my heart....

My thoughts started to come back to me and I heard a panting sound near me.

" You- *phant , phant* ( tooks a deep breath )

Young master, the scenery sure is beautiful. " not knowing what to say, she started with the scenery and after saying it she suddenly realize that it was an awkward time for praising the scenery. Her beautiful face turned red in embarrassment.

" it's really beautiful, quite heartwarming... "

(tooks a deep breath) " the air is so refreshing.

it takes away my worries. " after hearing the reply , the girl looked at me with an unbelievable look.

"what's up with that look" I asked after seeing her expression.

"No-nothing, it's just.... that Young master just.. never talked to me before. " she replies but her eyes avoided mine.

"I am not your young master anymore.

You should just return back to where you came from. " I answered her in a calm manner.

" but you are! ever since a senju patriarch or their wife assigns a maid to a person, that maid had to follow her for the rest of their life

tha-" I interrupted her mid-way. " that's your traditions not mine so you can just leave me alone. I am better this way" I waved at her and tell her to go away.

but she caught my hand and directly looked into my eyes. I was for a moment shocked due to the boldness of this timid girl and before I could remove it, she firmly grasp my hand with both of her's as if she was afraid to be separated. "I will never let go of young master's hand whether you want me or not.

I will always be there for you and always support you. I will always support young master and listen to all of young master's command without any objection so.....

please.... let me stay with you. " her voice trail off in the end.

'My dad was just like you izuna-kun, he was very stubborn and wouldn't listen to anyone but all this changed when he met my mother.

she always hear what my father says without complaining , she always hear him rant day and night without stopping him and gradually my father changed. ' Mito's word were playing in my mind but I forcibly stopped it.

"but that's just your selfish request and I am just fine by myself and be-"

" No, you aren't fine! " she cuts in, " please don't lie to yourselves! " she tone up her voice.

"your eyes betray you, young master. " she whispers softly.

'Your eyes were so lonely ' mito's voice rang again in my head but I can't trust her nor can I trust this girl.

" Your eyes shine so bright, young master, those diamond like blue eyes but it couldn't hide your sadness. " the girl cried while tightly grasping my hands.

'she cared for me, she cried for me even though I was a stranger to her. She gaved me a chance to change just like her mom but I...

again run away without explaining...

just like before. '

My hands were wet from tears but it wasn't mine.... why?

"why do you care?why are you so kind to me" I asked her.

*sniffs* she wiped her tears and replied " it's because you are my young master. Whom I should follow forever and besides , kindness doesn't need a reason does it? " she answered with a smile and, for the first time , I felt that her smile is really too beautiful...

"hmmm" I smirked ' the same line as old hiro, so she is just a naive simpleton huh! but a more lovely one.. ' I smiled , a genuine smiled,


her entire face turned red and she quickly take off her hands from mine and looked in the opposite direction to cover her blush but....

it's really obvious due to her red ear.

"this scenery is really beautiful ha? " I asked her.

"Ah.. Oh yes! it's really beautiful. " she quickly catched up

"I was roaming in the forest from morning to sunset and you were following me all this time.... Aren't you hungry? " I asked her smiling.

"Ah! no, of course not! " she quickly denies but her stomach gave her away.

* growl*

" then why is you stomach growling like a lion"

I teased her and again her entire face turn red.

Funnily, I don't find her behavior annoying anymore but rather.. I found her to be pretty cute.

"Yosh! let's go and catch some fishes! " I energetically shouted and again her entire face turned red but she didn't forget to give an answer "yes! young master. " she weakly added.

I thought, ' oh boy! I forgot to ask for her name. Was it sareh or siri? Ah! who cares! I will asked her later. '