WebNovelBy fate50.00%

Chapter 5

Sandra was furious mad   after realising Justin car was no longer there. She drove herself home hoping to find  Justin home, considering oflate he hadn't really been coming back home.

Her mind was lost in her thoughts of the events that had happened that night " this must be the woman he had been spending his  nights with , , ," i will ruin her and her life" she said to herself planning all the horrible things she would do to her .

  She arrived home angry and crying , and very upset , she never thought such kind of thing would ever happen , and that's why all along she had been hoping to find love with Justin.

 " Sandra what's wrong" Mrs Kriss hadn't attend the party she was at home since she was was not feeling so well .

 "Its Justin,  he is cheating on me , he went with her !!!!??choosed her over me !! why is he doing this to me , , whyy??!!  " Sandra screamed out her lungs as she cried  Mrs Kriss tried her best to comfort her.

   " i will make her pay , she is messing with the wrong person" she said bitterly as she walk out on Mrs Kriss whose attempt to comfort her had failed miserably.

  She could only look at sandra walk out angry, as she felt sorry for her son.She had hoped he would be happy but by the look of things it was proving otherwise. "will i ever get a grandchild?"

  The two drove silently all along the road. Stacey could only feel the familiarity of this place.

"Where are you taking me?"

"We are almost there?"Justin answered as he stopped the car at the appartments , where they made a million memories together.

Stacey couldnt believe he still owned that appartment.

The two walked in after Justin packed the car.The room was very disorganized.

    "Can i get you something to drink"

    " well am fine , i doubt if the drinks are fine looking at this house" she said sarcastically.

She looked around and spoted their picture on the wall it was still there , it was a picture they took on there vacation , during one of the holidays, she stared at it; they were holding each other with smiles on there face, they were happy then.

    " remember that day" he said at her looking at that picture.

    "Yeah ofcourse , nothing has changed here" Stacey said looking back at him " i think i might consider that drink "

    "On it" justin left and headed to get her a drink" lets drink to the good old days" he said handing her a bottle.

   " I cant remember the last time  i had a bottle of beer" Stacey said smilling " i have been so busy with work and everything"

   " whats been keeping you so busy stey" Justin asked concerned.

  " nothing much , just , , , " she was about to tell him about Brandon their son but this was not the appropriate time she thought,

 " dont think so much ,  let's enjoy this moment darling" Justin said giving her a smooch at her right cheek ,and stared back at her eyes looking at her again "did someone tell you how sexy you look today" he was giving her that look ,  he wanted something , Stacey knew him so well , he wanted her.

 "Well yeah Erick" Stacey said it inntetionally to get him jealous  ,she was now smiling noticing the look on his face.

" really now,  well i want to tell you again , in a better way than he did" Justin whispered into her ears making sure his lips toched her neck, awakening all the feelings in her body making her long for him as much as he wanted her. Stacey wanted to pull away as Justin was now looking at her lips with desires in his eyes , she remembered layla telling her to have fun atleast just this night, but this was not just any guy it was his love, the father of his child , as her mind wandered away Justin kissed her ,  and she kissed him back , she was a little drunk already, forgeting everything in her mind , her worries all gone she now just wanted him ,  damn the consequences she told herself.

His lips are demanding,  slow and firm molding hers. This awoke  a certain rush of desire all over Stacey's veins hoping Justin would do it even more.  She started unbuttoning his shirt  kissing him back passionately,  they cuddled and turned  slowly kicking all household stuffs .Stacey was really enjoying the grip of Justin's hard muscles. She carresed his chest as Justin folded his arms around her waist.He slowly began to unbutton her coat. His hands rested on her bra as he played with her big coochies as if they were babies again. She kissed his neck and  Justin responded with an even tighter cuddle. Justin slowly layed Stacey on the sofa. He then lay on her gently as she lay there helplessly. He began to unzip her dress slowly as he carresed her bootay. This became more and more interesting as time went by. Both had not had this strange feelings for a long time , Stacey being the severe patient.

    " stacey has there been another man" he asks her as he gazes at her.

    "No ....only you....it has always been you Justin" she answers back as her toungue meets his.

He puts his arms around her and pulls her against his body , squeezing her tightly but still gently and oftenly giving that one spank as their eyes met . One of his hands  travels down her spine to her waist and down to her behinds.He holds her against his hips and she feels his erection.  They just felt a single awesome moment was never enough.

Stacey's hands misbehaved down Justin's chest , by his abs then down to his  pants. Stacey was already shivering with desire and Justin's skin was now hot with pleasure.He passionately turned her on top of him. Of course she was already wet as Justin set his massive manhood by her wet love den orifice.

  Stacey woke up ,next to Justin like back in the old days .He was already awake looking at Stacey as she slept soundly.

  "Morning darling" Stacey couldn't believe she let herself in the arms of this man again. Why am i so foolish she said to herself

"why are you so silent"

  " uum i think i should be going,  anything that happened between us last night , just so you know means nothing to me"

    " i see you are still mad at me, stey cant we let all that  go"

    "How justin? you are still married to another woman" she was now abit mad.

    "Come on, love dont mind her she means nothing to me ,  now lets stop arguing and do something fun huh"

  "divorce her and maybe we can talk about those fun things you want"

    " is that what you want?"

    " yes,let me be your only wife as it should be " her phone rang it was her son.She looked at it for sometime before picking it up.

  " Hello brandon" Justin was looking at her very curious as to who she was speaking to.

    " mum at what time will you be picking me up"

    " how about in the afternoon"

    " well i was requesting you come over in the eveining we have supper with Mr John, he invited you"

    " okay  , i will be there for dinner"

    " okay bye mum, i love you "

    " i love you too" she hang up her phone getting herself a towel.

    " mmh so Brandon , , , who is he?Justin demanded.

    " you will know him soon, just do as i have told you, then we can talk more" she was now heading to the bathroom.

 She had slept so soundly she didn't realise she was almost late to work, she quickly rushed.  

 " your clothes are still in the closet " Justin reminded her.

  "Really ,all this years" she was now smiling after realising everything was just as it was seven years ago, ofcourse most of the clothes from the closet had gotten small for her now, but she was lucky enough to get a dress that was still fitting.