CHAPTER.02 Dracula's Resurrection

Still at Mikaelo's residence, after he tried to remember, Mikaelo intends to travel to Transylvania, he wants to look for some clues and find out who has risen. Mikaelo then left his study, looking for Agreyta, who was preparing breakfast for him.

"Hey, honey, apparently you're here, just follow me, there's something I want to say".

"Okay, I'll just turn off the stove".

"Hmm I don't know where to start, maybe this is a little impossible, but Bruno just told me that there is a female Dracula awakening, her power is very great, and she intends to take revenge on all of us".

"Oh my God, who else is she, try to remember as long as you go with Cleon there is no concubine or family".

"That's exactly why I never asked her, this is a danger to Queen dear because she is the owner of holy blood. Tonight I intend to go to Transylvania.

"Mike, please don't risk your own life, I'm coming if you want to go to Transylvania. Remember your troops are not enough to fight when that female Dracula is very dangerous. How about we meditate tonight, and we penetrate her dimension, who she is? I will ask my white dragon for help for guidance, never be rash dear, I don't want to lose you".

"Then don't wait for the night, we'd better go now, we can all do meditation at my old house".

"Okay, the sooner the better".

"Close your eyes, dear Agreyta, hold my hands firmly".

They then went to Mikaelo's old house in Transylvania, after passing through the hall of the supernatural dimension, they finally arrived at Mikaelo's old house, the house was a gift from Cleon.

"Okay, we have arrived dear, open your eyes now".

"Okay, then what should we do?"

"Help me look for clues, hopefully, we can find them in my old house, because before he gave me this house, Cleon had lived in this house for quite a while".

"Okay I'm going through room after room, I'm also curious who the Female Dracula is. Should we tell Queen to come?

"Don't tell him yet, what will happen later will make him think about this, he already has a small family, and I don't want Queen, our grandson, and our son-in-law Dave to get involved in this problem".

"Well then, the most important thing is not to be fooled, he could already have a myriad of plans and intends to take revenge".

Three hours passed, and Agreyta finally found a small black chest, and inside was a key to some room. Agreyta immediately gave the small chest to Mikaelo".

"Dear Mike takes a look at this, I found a small black chest, and inside is a key, and a piece of paper with ancient Roman writing on it.

"Let me see, it turns out this is the secret room key, and it says it's in Cleon's study, the room is hidden behind his bookshelf".

"Yeah, we've tried going there, we're trying to open it, what's actually in that room?"


Arriving in the room, Mikaelo and Agreyta looked at a bookcase belonging to Cleon, they tried to move the cupboard, but when touched by the hand the cupboard had turned into a room, they were surprised that there were so many photos of beautiful women whose faces were very similar to Cleon when the two of them approached one of the photos, they read it and it read, "Alona(my dear sister)".

When Alonna's photo is taken from the wall they see a small safe, and it looks like the key Agreyta found to open this small safe.

"Grey looks like this is the key to open this safe, and please read out the numeric code".

"I can't read it clearly, like the ancient Romans".

"Well, let me read it, okay, now it's open. Soon there will be more instructions, and in a moment the ancient Roman language again".

"Then what did Mike say?"

"Hmm, it's written here, if Alonna is Cleon's younger sister, she is hidden somewhere, and at a certain time what is written here will rise".

"Very perfect, so far we have never known he hid his younger brother and then made a Dracula who has so much anger, and revenge, but very big power".

"That and here it is written, that Alonna embraced black magic before being made Dracula by Cleon".

"This can't be allowed, don't let him come and kidnap Queen, we must immediately meditate tonight, and protect our daughter and her little family".

"How about we resurrect Brandon, honestly I'm short on troops".

"What no I don't agree if you resurrect Brandon, you know Brandon's power will not be strong, he is the same as Arkha aka Andreas, just an ordinary human who turns into Dracula, they don't have any power".

"Calm down, I will give the two of them strength, they will become strong Dracula".

"How can that be, with your blood?"

"No, but the Queen's holy blood I will give to Arkha, and raise Brandon".

"I don't want our daughter's blood for something like that Mike".

"Calm down, it's for the sake of protecting all of our families, I'll call Arkha for a moment, I hope she will help us".

"I'm not sure that Joana will allow Arkha to fight and help us".

"Come on please don't argue now, we don't have much time dear Agreyta, please control your emotions. You know our strength will not be able to fight Alonna".

"Isn't there another way, like calling some of your Dracula friends?"

"I don't have many Dracula friends, and their strength is not as big as mine, they can only hypnotize and disguise, but they are still lacking in fighting. It's been quiet for a while, I want to call Arkha".

Not long after that, the smoke started to form and turned into Arkha. Arkha then asked Mikaelo, what was the matter to call him.

"Mike, what's wrong, until you called me?"

"Cleon's sister Alonna has risen, and she wants to avenge Cleon's death and destruction".

"How come, don't you know that all this time he has a younger sister who is also a Dracula?"

"As long as I'm close to Cleon, I never ask anything, because I only know he's Dracula, really I never knew that he still had a new sister today I knew and was given instructions, don't argue yet, basically you can not help me give an idea to plan, to hinder his arrival, he would aim for the Queen".

"I will certainly help you, but please give me more strength".

"Don't worry, I'll raise Brandon too because our strength is lacking".

"What if you want to resurrect Brandom again, will Queen accept it? You know Brandon had said before he died that he didn't want to be resurrected".

"I know about it, but this is a different situation, Arkha, because Alonna will destroy all those who took part in destroying her brother, Cleon".

"Okay, you just arrange it, I'm ready and will always help you Mike".

"Yes, tonight after meditation, I will raise Brandon and give you strength".

"Did the Queen know about this?"

"Please don't be, just let us take care of this matter".

"Okay, Mike".