Chapter 20: The Ravens Vs. Joseph Stalin's Great Purge Final Part - We are the Army of our People!

Now the Ravens are going to watch this battle, Nikita hears the news about the people fighting the NKVD back with their anger, telling the group that the people began to escape with their lives as they are influenced by the heroism of the mystery masked men. Koba hears it from Nikita as he became more confident than ever, this fuels the anger inside Beria because without the leadership of the NVKD, they will fall hard. The conversation between Beria and Koba begins as of follows:

Beria: NO, WHY IS MY MEN NOT DOING ANYTHING!!! *Proceeds to use his telepathy skill to contact other NVKD High Command, but no response* I'M DREAMING RIGHT!?? THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!!!!!

Koba: No Beria, We are in reality now, give up now or you will face the consequence for what you have done to the people!


Koba: *Transforms into Celestial Progress 1st Gear* I'm ready when you are sir.

Beria: *Transforms to Celestial Progress 1st Gear* I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!! THEY FEAR ME AS THE CROW!

Koba: You can't emotions, I have no choice to beat your sorry ass.

The people who are still in that area watch both Koba and Beria clash, many run away to avoid strong energy collision from the two, Beria summons many crows to attack Koba, but he cannot be damaged because of his strong Celestial Aura protecting him, as Beria rushes to Koba head on, Koba unleash his full strength to go head on as well. As the members of the Ravens are in awe to see their full potential, Belldrick became more jealous of how far his rival Koba can go even further in his training, instead in his mind, he wants to challenge him to a sparring match, hoping he will survive this outcome. Koba gets hit by Beria's spinning back kick, and kicks his head after performing a dark high crow strike, leaving Koba down on his knees. Koba recovers from the strike, proceeds to hit Beria back with his own skill the Celestial Void Strike as his new move, Beria gets stun as he does not know where he is at. Beria still stun by the Celestial Void Strike, Koba lauches a offensive skill again to bring him down to the ground, angering Beria to his limit, as he shouts "I WILL NOT LOSE!!!!!!!" as he summons more crows with red glowing as targeting Koba as they strike him with multiple energy blast, Koba uses his defensive skill the Celestial Barrier to protect the people including the Ravens from energy blast barrage. The people are cheering for Koba, as Beria hears it from them, more furious, he aims his target to them, beginning to use his offensive skill the crow laser beam to the people, Koba rushes to the people and deflects it toward Beria and he dodges it, he is surprise of what Koba did to deflect it as he says to him "Why can my lasers hit you Lionheart, you can't be invincible forever boy!" Koba replies in anger "How low can you be Beria, killing innocents lives just to give you time to escape, right now *Transforms to 4th Gear, sending so much energy waves in the area, forcing the people and the Ravens to cover their faces as Dmitri is happy that he can do it to* I will kill you for attempting to hurt others for you self bidding!

Beria now fears this gigantic energy coming from one person, desperately summons more crows to attack head on to Koba, Koba cuts off their head one by one, 20 seconds later all crows are beheaded by the extreme speed of Koba, Belldrick's thought are "No way, his speed increases during the 4th Gear process, this troublesome for me, now Beria cannot bear to withstand Koba now" Beria now speaks in fear as he say "*Koba walking towards Beria* No! Don't come any closer, PLEASE HAVE MERCY!!!!!!! Koba replies "Mercy? How about the people you murder that begs for mercy, did you show mercy to them, NO! There will no mercy this time for Beria!!!!! Koba launches his Ultimate skill the Prominence Cannon as it was about to hit Beria, his last words are "I CAN'T I'M DEFEATED BY A SAVAGE LIKE YOU *Gets hit by the strong beam* AAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Whole area is now a big crater, the Ravens cheers as Koba finally seals his victory over Beria, the people there says that are free at last. Koba now is filled with wounds, but he is still smiling for his efforts, the Ravens pick him up to heal him from his injuries, telling the boss what are they going to do now after this prison break for the people here in Vorkuta, Koba tells them "We are not finished yet boys, there are still more Gulags out there, first we need to buy more mask you know" The Ravens agrees, they get a new one from the truck they stole from the headquarters in Moscow. The Ravens hear the news from the Radio that a Celestial being name Borodin, the hero who liberated the people in Tsaritsyn from the Imperial forces, leads more people to escape from the horrors of the Gulag, Gregory says that the reason that he does it because he was influenced by the unknown masked men who does the same thing. So the Raven head out to the other Gulag places to free the people.

Many months later as the Ravens and Borodin continue to free the people, Joseph Stalin in his room smoking his pipe happily not having a clue what was going on with Gulags that went very quiet, he thinks they are doing a good job taming the people there, as his people give him a horrible news of what happen to the three high commanding NKVD Leaders, he became furious on who have done this to them. He orders the whole NKVD to execute for those who are responsible for the mess in the Gulag. The Great Purge now becomes more violent because people are resisting with any weapon they can find to kill them, this angers Stalin further to use brute force, he became more angrier that Borodin betrayed him, name him number one enemy of the state, also the unnamed masked men who is responsible for killing the high members of the NKVD.

Many months later, The people are happy of what these men are doing to save them, as Koba unmasked, the whole people are happy that the Lionheart and the Ravens are responsible, praising them for their heroic acts and tells the people "People of the Soviet Union, We are the army of our people, The Red Army, We defend this land with the blood of Communism, we the people, will never destroyed, OUR REAL ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE IS THE BLOODTHIRSTY STALIN! We together are strong, to build our nation for the future, NOW WE WILL MARCH TO MOSCOW TO OVERTHROW STALIN OF HIS POSITION URAAAAA!" The whole people chants "URAAAA!! Now they all will march to the capital city.

Stalin now knows the truth, he now is in fear that he will get killed, many minutes later, he hear a song sang by the people, the name of the song is "We are the army of the people" as they song ever louder, the people are outside with pitchforks, but he has nowhere to run since his place is surrounded, NKVD are afraid to fight back, as Borodin and the Ravens barge in to arrest Stalin for his crimes, as Stalin says to them "All of you will not arrest me? I am the General Secretary of the state! I'm trying my best to lead this country forward with my solutions" Koba replies with anger "NO YOUR METHODS ARE INSANE, You are killing innocent people, depriving them of food to eat!" Stalin has no words to say, he surrenders himself as the position is now open for those who capable of the job.

The people are throwing foods at Stalin as he pays for his horrendous crimes, ending himself up in jail, Borodin thanks Koba and the Ravens for inspiring the people to fight for the freedom of others. On January 21, 1924, Vladimir Lenin dies in his bed from stroke, Koba and the people mourn for his death, giving him a proper burial. After the burial of Lenin, the Government in Moscow held a meeting on who will lead the country. Koba suggest that Leon Trotsky will lead the country, Trotsky says to Koba "No Comrade, I can't do this" Koba tells him "You can Comrade Trotsky, the people needs you now"

All of the members agree for Trotsky to be the successor after Comrade Lenin as the 2nd Grand Premier of the Soviet Union. In the Red Square, Trotsky swore an oath, promising the people that he will bring more jobs to people so that they will no suffer a heavy burden to themselves. The people are happy to have a leader to lead unlike Lenin and Stalin who almost have the power.

Koba goes home to see the boys and Ellie again, as he surprise Nektus and Noctis, they are happy with joy to see him home again, Koba wants to surprise Ellie when she comes home from groceries, Ellie opens the door and finds her lover as they begin their conversation:

Koba: Hello Ellie, I'm home.

Ellie: Darling? You're home!! *Hugs Koba so tightly* I miss you so much everyday, you know how much you mean to me darling.

Koba: I know, say let's make dinner, I'm starving for your best home cooking meal.

Ellie: *Happy with beautiful tears* Yes darling I'll make you your favorite especially for the boys.

Noctis and Nektus: YAY! We love you Koba and Ellie, we want to thank you for always being there for us, Koba, thank you for freeing our country from chaos.

Ellie and Koba: You're welcome boys

They all enjoy dinner with happiness as they continue their conversation. Meanwhile in Germany, there is this one Astral being who got in prison for trying to overthrow the government, as he looks at the outside as he plans what to do next in the next volume.