Chapter 54: Operation Triple Threat Final Part: Operation Frenzy

*Be warn that this chapter may contain some or a lot of violence and extreme language*

At 4 am in the morning of April 9, Temujin reads the Forbidden book to learn more of the dark secrets of the Astral energy, but there are missing 300 pages, but there is a word, a unknown being name "Lexor" and most of the pages as the Commander Nikolaus tell him "My Lord, we are here near the Capital City Oslo, we will operate when ready" Temujin decides "*Closes the book* All Battleships of the Kriegsmarine, OPEN FIRE!!" The German Battleship where Temujin and the Commanders are in the place name Standefjord, spectates with comments of the Emperor "Beautiful rain of fire" One of the Commanders name Leonard Kucherr feels guilty, hesitates to ask the Emperor "My lord, why are we killing innocent civilians?" Temujin went from impressed to anger real quick "*Gets near to Leonard, the whole Commanders in fear* You dare ask me that question fool, I love it!" Leonard feels disgusted on hearing these atrocity, he cannot do anything but feel the horrible guilt done by his own country.

Norwegian Army prepares 6 Army divisions combining of 52,000 troops to defend their land, but their navy has been crippled by the German Kriegsmarine, as they keep on firing their heavy shells to their hardened steel, as the Germans begin releasing their armored boats, the Norwegians fire their weapons at the Germans, but the Germans had a very powerful ally, The Astral beings who will use barrier, then they land successfully on the beach, assaulting the Norwegian positions with heavy fire, the German Mark 4 appears to wipe out the remaining Norwegian forces. The German Warships sails in the ports of Norway destroying everything in their path as they managed to sink 30 ships.

Meanwhile in London, Prime Minister Noah discusses with the British Royal Navy in the headquarters:

Noah: We are here to discuss on how are we going to send our troops to three Nordic regions, I got an notification from the French High Command that the Germans began their invasion, what are your suggestion Admiral?

Admiral Rodnick: With all due respect Prime Minister McCallister, it will be very difficult to pass these routes while the Germans are in the way of it. But our Royal Navy is now ready for deployment for the Nordic regions, name you orders now Prime Minister.

Noah: Alright Admiral, we will send 15 destroyers, 5 submarines, 2 aircraft carrier, the French navy will assist us with their 5 destroyers and 4 submarines, we will outflank them good Admiral.

Admiral Rodnick: Your order is set Prime Minister.

Many British and French soldiers gather everything up to prepare for sea battle against the powerful Helghan Empire.

5 days later, During the Norwegian Invasion, Temujin receives a notification from his High Command:

Marshal Ace Hermann Goering: My lord, our pilots are engaging for the first wave.

Temujin: Rain these Norwegian pests to the ground!

At 7:00 am in April 14th, Temujin watches the skies, as 40 Norwegian pilots square of against the the First wave of the German Luftwaffe consisting of 80 to 120 planes, the Norwegian pilots managed to take down 38 planes in the next 3 hours of heavy air fight. Temujin is mad about the outcome, as the Norwegians again destroys 70 more planes in two hours, an angry Temujin tells Goering:

Temujin: Marshal Goering, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!

Marshal Ace Hermann Goering: My lord, our pilots have been overwhelmed, should we send a second wave?


Marshal Ace Hermann Goering: Yes my Lord *Contacts the Luftwaffe high command* I WANT THE SECOND WAVE NOW!!!

The second wave of the Luftwaffe along with 30 big planes carrying Paratroopers to land for Oslo city, one of the pilots are exhausted as one says "*Sees another hundreds of planes coming out from the clouds* Shit, you got to be kidding me, Pilots, we have to keep fighting!" Most of the Norwegian planes run out of fuel, the Luftwaffe takes the advantage to strike them down, the Paratroopers skydives to Oslo, Temujin is happy to see his troops landing at the Capital City of Norway, The Astral warriors assist them for the assault, now Temujin drinks his liquor to celebrate, but not for long:

Admiral Alfred: *Temujin gets the notification from the Navy high command* My Lord we detected an enemy fleet, the British Royal Navy, consisting with 2 aircraft carrier, 15 Destroyers, and 5 submarines. Also the French Navy sends theirs as well, both will be heading to the Norwegian coast.

Temujin: These bastard don't know when to quit their shit, gather your best warriors for sea battle.

Admiral Alfred: Yes my Lord, we the Kriegsmarine will not fail you.

Temujin unleashes 9 U-boat Submarines, 13 Destroyers, 12 Light Cruiser ships , and 4 aircraft carriers to block the British Royal Navy and the French Navy to assist the three countries. 2 days later in April 16th on a upcoming foggy weather, the giants of the sea square off, Temujin uses a Phantom portal to reach their battle spot, the battle starts with a British destroyers opening up their shells along with Ethereal energy attacks, Temujin senses it, as he tells the Admiral Alfred Von Hertz of the German fleet "Use your Astral barrier, then destroy first their British aircraft carrier, it will lower their morale for good!" Admiral Alfred is happy to hear from the Emperor "Your excellent strategy will lead us to victory! *Orders his fleet* Men, do your part now!" Many Germans know their plan very well, it was heavily planned before Temujin's Invasion for Norway. The Germans unleash the torpedo to one of the British destroyers, the British Admiral name Edward Anson was like "Why this German torpedo keep missing and it's still running?" The British sailor who is a Ethereal being, senses otherwise "No Admiral, it is aiming towards us!" Admiral Edward Anson tells the sailor "Turn our lady ship left now!" The British aircraft carrier manages to turn left as the torpedo misses, Temujin's thought are "The Torpedo missed, men, begin you assault on the carrier in the left flank!" the 7 German Destroyers aims at the British aircraft carrier with the assist of the Astral energy bombs, as it hits the carrier, the fog worsens overtime, as Temujin can sense so many Ethereal beings, but the Ethereal beings can't sense Temujin because of one of the pages that Temujin reads from the forbidden book, he learns the skill so well that he commands his navy to victory. Now the German have their momentum to crush the French and the Royal Navy to cinders slowly, Admiral Edward tells Noah via Telepathy "Sir, it's been an honor serving our country and for our King! *The Aircraft carrier explodes*" Noah is devastated "Nooooo!!!!!!"

British Prime Minister Noah McCallister senses his men in sea dying, he felt so broken after one of their aircraft carriers is destroyed by the Germans, Temujin unexpectedly makes contact to the British High Command:

Temujin: Gentlemen, I'm so sorry for your loss of your sailors.

Noah: *Begins to be furious* You fucking bastard! You know what have you done!?


Noah: You're insane Temujin! You can't just run around and destroy everything!

Temujin: HAHAHA I will never stop until I conquer everything.

Oliver: Calm down Boss, we will solve this heavy issue out.

Temujin: The issue is getting better Marshal Oliver, believe me.

David: *Angry at Temujin* Shut up! You mass murderer.

Ethan: Temujin, whatever it takes for us to keep fighting, we will never surrender!

Temujin: Alright, I will meet you somewhere in France.

The whole Eagle Squad: *In shock* What?!

Temujin: You heard me? I'm going to invade 4 countries next, including the French fries HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Noah: No! you can't do this, many lives will die.

Temujin: Like I give a shit about their petty lives, anyway, see you somewhere in France. *Telepathy cuts off*

David: Shit, what are we gonna do boss?

Noah: We're going to deploy our troops to France, I will inform the French High Command to get ready for their Maginot line of defense for incoming German attack.

Oliver: Me and Ethan will inform the High command of Belgium, Luxemburg and Netherlands about this issue as well.

Noah: Alright, this war is getting worse, may the spirits of our ancestors guide us.

All members: Hell yeah!

In June 10th, the three countries are now in German hands, Temujin, Jamukha, and Joakim Roth reunite in June 17th, 1940 to begin their Military Parade in Berlin with 150,000 troops present in the area, Agnes miss Temujin so much that she can't take her feelings on him anymore, three days later, the German High Command is planning for a grand scale invasion of 4 countries, while the Allies will plan to defend their land at all cost.

In the new volume, The Western Front deepens!