Chapter 64: Operation Barbarossa Part 1: The Invasion

*This chapter contains strong explicit languages and violence*

On Christmas eve, Temujin and his crew wanting to know the status of the Russian lands:

Temujin: Pilot, what is the status in the Belorussian border?

Marshal Ace Pilot: My Kaiser, it seems that many Celestial beings are everywhere in that area.

Temujin: Fucking hell, I can't pin point my portals there because of those dicks.

Jamukha: Koba's spies have fucked up our plans against the British, we will have to go do the old ways.

Temujin: Yes brother, with more blood in their land. *In thoughts* Koba, you and your motherland will fall, I WILL NOT FAIL!!!

For the German Preparation, Temujin orders the Germans to begin massing their troops near the Russian border, the tensions in Balkans have rise up due to the large German presence. By the third week of February 1941, 680,000 German soldiers gathers in assembly areas in the Romanian-Russian border. Few hours later Temujin orders the German Army to deploy one independent regiment, one separate motorized training brigade and 153 divisions for Barbarossa, which included 104 infantry, 19 panzer and 15 motorized infantry divisions in three army groups, nine security divisions to operate in conquered territories, four divisions in Finland. and two divisions as reserve under the direct control from German Occupied Sweden. These include with 6,867 armored vehicles, of which 3,350–3,795 were tanks, 2,770–4,389 aircraft (that amounted to 65 percent of the Luftwaffe), 7,200–23,435 artillery pieces, 17,081 mortars, about 600,000 motor vehicles and 625,000–700,000 horses available for battle. German occupied Finland slated 14 divisions for the invasion, and German occupied Romania offered 13 divisions and eight brigades over the course of Barbarossa. The entire Helghan Legions, now in total of 4.5 million troops, waiting for Temujin's command anytime. Temujin already plans to make one of the Astral Super Squadron troops to perform a Astral progress 1st gear, the awoken skill that he didn't train for Great Britain, since Noah decided to train the Ethereals during the Great Britain campaign, Temujin will do the same.

In Temujin's thoughts during his training:

Temujin: *Training in the pocket dimension* Phantom chain barrage! *destroys big objects, then remembers the battle during the battle of London* Noah, you, I will get you after I destroy Russia.

Otto: *Walks in the pocket dimension* My Kaiser, holy shit, you destroyed many objects here.

Temujin: Hehehe, this updated skill will kill many Celestial beings in my way.

Otto: I love the sound of that my Kaiser.

Meanwhile in the Russian preparations, not knowing the Germans are preparing for a large invasion, meets with Koba along with Commanders in the Castle in Kremlin:

Koba: Good morning Gentlemen, to those who are Celestial beings, please sense it now.

Celestial Commander: Oh shit, they are too many of them in the Polish borders.

Celestial Officer: The President is right, these Astral beings are too strong. *Raises his hand to Koba* Mr. President, we have act quick before they invade us.

Koba: Do not worry, we agreed to sign the non-aggression pact with the Germans.

Vice President Zinoviev: I'm guessing the Germans will invade in the next 2 years, they are still damaged by their wars against Great Britain.

Celestial Commander: No Vice President, they are too many of them now, we must act!

Koba: No, not yet, this will break the contract between us and the Germans.

Vice President Zinoviev: Alright, it is the President's order's we are going to follow.

2nd Celestial Commander: Mr. President, we receive a Sensory unit contact. The information follows that the Celestial Anti-Air unit shutting down at least 7 or more German spy planes, they found a briefcase 4 days ago, the Astrals have lock their briefcase with strong Astral energy, I think you should open it once the officers delivers it here.

Koba: Alright.

4 days ago, Temujin, now in high alert, notices that the briefcase was stolen by the Celestial officers:

Temujin: Gentlemen, I will send 5 good Astral super squadron members to retrieve it or burn it, we already got a duplicate of the plans, make sure that foolish man Lionheart doesn't know this plan!

5 Astral Warriors: YES MY KAISER!

4 days later, somewhere in the forest in Russia, the Celestial officers ride a truck, along with the briefcase inside, they are trying to figure something out on how to unlock the briefcase, but they are ambushed by the 5 strong Astral warriors, result in killing them in the process with their Astral energy skills, including the briefcase.

Now Koba is about to be notified by the news of the briefcase:

Celestial Officer: Mr. President, we got bad news.

Koba: What is it Lieutenant Kamarov?

Lieutenant Kamarov: The officers along with the briefcase, was killed in action, the briefcase got burned to cinders...

Koba: FUCK! That briefcase can tell us information about the German schemes.

Noctis: What are we gonna do Comrade Lionheart?

Koba: We do nothing, but we have to stay vigilant still, they are too many of them near out borders.

Gregory: We have prepared at least 50,000 tanks, 33,000 artilleries available, and 20,000 fighter planes for the Russian Air Force, and a defense force of 2,500,000 troops all combined in the Regions near the German occupied borders. The thing is we don't the German numbers, I sense that Astral warriors number is way too great against us.

Koba: I hope war will not happen soon.

The Red Army of Russia is not sure of Temujin's plans since his Astral Warriors completed the mission. The time has come! June 21st, Temujin is now fully prepared with the troops ready anytime, as he is about to tell his troops & the Commanders at 1:00 am "All units, begin your assault & unleash HELL!!!!" The first wave of the German Luftwaffe planes are in position, now dropping their bombs, the Helghan Legions marching inside all the Russian borders with a roaring sounds of tanks, meanwhile in Lviv in the Ukrainian region, Commander Nektus is in charge, no he sees above..

Nektus: *Sees multiple planes, thinking it was the Russian planes in training* Whoa, that is a lot of planes.

Celestial Officer: That's not our planes Commander..

Nektus: *Luftwaffe begins to drop the bombs* SHIT!!!! Lieutenant, alert everyone now!!!!

Celestial Officer: YES SIR!!!

The city of Lviv is under bombing raids form the Luftwaffe, building are crumbling, minutes later the planes have left the scene, as he goes outside, he sees multiple Astral platoons, sweeping the whole area, killing more civilians in sight. Nektus along with his troops begin to them, but they are too trained, then the German infantry enters the city, the Russians are unprepared for this kind of German blitzkrieg, the Russians retreat, Nektus, too exhausted, is in the vehicle along with the is horrified as he sees the city in flames, the Germans successfully captures Lviv.

Koba is about to be notified about the situation 3 hours later:

Sensory Member: Mr. President, the invasion has begun! Commander Belldrick wants to make contact with you now...

Koba: *Makes contact to Belldrick* Comrade, what's going on over there?

Belldrick: *Multiple explosions and gunfire sounds intensifies hard* SHIT, THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!!



Koba: Fall back comrade as soon as possible now!

Belldrick: Roger that boss!

Koba: *Makes contact with Oleg and Dmitri* Comrades, what's your status?

Oleg: We are trying to repel the Germans from advancing, but those bastards keep on coming!

Koba: If the situation is bad there, please retreat as soon as possible.

Oleg: Yes comrade! *Breaks up contact*

Koba: Comrade Dmitri, what's your status?

Dmitri: I'm sad to say this, the Maldovan region is now occupied, 27% of the Ukrainian region is being occupied, Commander Nektus survived the German onslaught during the siege of Lviv.

Koba: Shit, at least Comrade Nektus is okay... Please retreat if things gone wrong alright?

Dmitri: Yes comrade Lionheart, Dmitri out.. *Breaks contact*

Koba: FUCCCCKKKK!!!!! *Feeling disbelief*

Noctis: Comrade Koba, what are we going to do now?

Koba: We have to send more units to fight the Germans, they broke our pact now, we will fight back.

Noctis: I will inform them..

Koba went home in the evening after a stressful situation, Russia is under attack, the Germans are killing his people, feeling depressed and angry, Ellie arrives:

Ellie: Darling, what's going on? Everyone is panicking..

Koba: The Germans are invading our land, Temujin has been fooling us all along, raiding everything in his way *begins to cry* I don't know what to do anymore....

Ellie: *Hugs Koba with warmth* It's going to okay my love, but our motherland needs the Lionheart and us, the people, we will work together, we need you to lead us to victory like before my love.

Koba: *Wipes his tears* Alright, can you help me make my speech?

Ellie: Yes my love.

The couple work their words for the speech, it will be on the next day, June 23rd, Koba, Ellie, Marshal Gregory, Nikita and his wife arrives in the Red Square with many people who will hear this speech:

Koba: *Is about to deliver his speech* Comrades, hard working citizens of the Federal Republic States of Russia, brothers and sisters, our Motherland is under attack, the German horde is already wreaking havoc on our lands, we must fight back! We must work together, to keep going, our men & women in the battlefront there needs our help, right now, with your trusting care, I declare Martial Law, to ensure the safety of our people from the German horde, we will improve more industrial works in order to supply our warriors, more food supplies as well. The conscription for the Red Army is now open at ages 18 above, our motherland needs you to fulfill their duty. Our Motherland, now declares war with Helghan Empire, Mother Russia will prevail! URA!

All citizens: URAA!!!! URAAAA!!!!!!! URAAA!!!!!

Temujin hears the speech in the Radio in the city of Sionim, Belorussian region, laughing at his failures, glorious on his first week as he gains more Russian territory as he is ready for more, the conversation as of follows:

Temujin: Hehehe HAHAHAHAHAHA! *Sips his champagne*

Jamukha: My brother, our battle next will be at Minsk.

Temujin: Yes, I heard that one of the Raven member name Belldrick, is the commanding General there, he retreats like a DOG! HAHAHAHAHA, that big idiot will die anyways.

Rundstedt: If I were you my Kaiser, I wouldn't underestimate Savage...

Temujin: Why is that Field Marshal?

Rundstedt: That man fought the Lionheart a lot, he may have battle experiences with him.

Temujin: So? The big idiot will fall, just the like this stupid forsaken country..

Jamukha: We will make the Belorussian Front army crumble and tremble with our wrath!!!!

Temujin: I love that determination with yours brother, it makes me wanna draw more blood..

Temujin enjoys his victory in the first week against the Russians, Koba, now desperate in need of supplies, contacts the US President Roosevelt:

Koba: *Makes contact* Mr. President, this is Koba..

Franklin: Hello there President Koba, having a rough time there?

Koba: Yes Mr. President, I need your help..

Franklin: Damn, these Germans are too relentless aren't they? What do you need?

Koba: Supplies, The Germans are looting everything they see, leaving our soldiers to starve, our ammunitions are slowly decreasing resources..

Franklin: Alright, I will order important supplies to help your country fight the Germans, but I will not send my soldier to aid you, I want my country to stay neutral as possible.

Koba: I understand, thank you for hearing us out Mr. President.

Franklin: Don't sweat it, you will have to wait for many days for the supplies to arrive, make sure you make good use of em you hear me?

Koba: I will sir, Lionheart out... *Breaks contact*

Franklin: *Breaks contact* Ahh you are one brave man Lionheart, I hope you and your country will kick these Helghan asses!

The Russians struggles to keep up against the raging German hordes, killing them with their strength, Koba and the other will have to endure this kind of Blitzkrieg, in the next chapter, Temujin will advance in the next chapter!