Still The One I Love

AGE( it is just a number)


Episode 19


Still the one I love


Hazel Dakota


Even after two months , I couldn't go a day without thinking about Hardin as my heart still yearns for him ; despite the way he treated my like trash ,I still miss him , still want him and most especially still love him.....


A loud shrill cry disrupted my sleep and I slowly opened my eyes to see Alexia singing and dancing around the room.....

Crazy! When did she even get back from school?"I thought within

glancing at the wall clock in , it was a little past 14:00pm

I widened my eyes in surprise

unbelievable! I never knew I slept this long!

Lazily, I sat up on the bed , rubbing my eyes as I made a yawning sound

"Do you want to swallow me?"Alexia asked , turning sideways to face me and I smiled, ignoring her question

"But what exactly is wrong with you? she continued, I mean you sleep most of the time and also get tired easily , are you sure you are alright? " she asked worriedly, removing the earphone from her ear as she sat down beside me

"I am alright!"I simply answered

Dragging myself out from the bed, I went over to the wardrobe , opened it and searched through for my black gown....

I have to get ready for work!

"but isn't this night job gonna be stressful, why can't you just skip it ?" Alexia probed on

"You should know , I need to save up money to register for SAT before its closing date". I answered, pulling out the gown : then placed it on my shoulders

removing the sheet wrapped around my body , I was about wearing the black gown when I suddenly had the urge to puke

I rushed into the bathroom , leaning on the toilet as I retched and cough up a thin stream of vomit ...

Oh God! what is wrong with me? I wondered , breathing hard ...


returning to the room, I collapsed on the bed

I was so damn weak!

"Are you sure you are alright?"Alexia , asked staring down at my face and I nodded slowly

I just need to rest a little !!!

"Again?" She muttered with an eye roll but I ignored her , closing my eyes as my mind drifted back to the last sex I had with Hardin

Am I possibly preg..:no it can't be , it is probably just a fever ...

Just then , the door flew open and my mum walked in holding a brown envelope

"Hazel! a man on bike asked me to deliver this to you". She stated , handing me the envelope

Sitting up , I looked at the envelope and then back at her

" a man on bike".I repeated and she nodded

You should open it!

Curious, I tore up the envelope and brought out a folded paper ; unfolding the paper, what I read made me screamed loudly

" what is it ?"Alexia asked, staring down at the paper

"It is.. it is a SAT slip registered in my name" I answered, staring at the form with trembling hands and my mum audibly gasped in surprise

"how is that possible? I mean you haven't registered for it or have you?" She asked , leaning over to have a closer look

"No I haven't , I am also confused.... or wait! could it be". I paused , reading through the slip all over again

My name! date of birth! hobby!even my favourites quote were filled up correctly and to sum it all, the only person who knows me this well is ....Hardin

" oh my gawd! it is Hardin". I said aloud and my mom and Alexia exchanged looks

"Hardin! they both chorused and I nodded slowly

And why would he do that ?" Alexia retorted, staring at me with disbelief written all over her face

"That is because!That is because!...I don't even know". I answered with a sigh as my mom gave me a puzzled look

"This is so confusing! I mean if he cares enough to register you for SAT , then why did he dump you?"

"he didn't dump me ,he just stopped talking to me ". I corrected, making Alexia roll her eyes

What is the difference???

Opening my mouth , I was about saying something when the queasy feelings suddenly returned

And without wasting time , I jolted up from the bed and rushed into the bathroom to puke and on returning to the room , I came face to face with my mum curious gaze

" what is wrong with you Hazel?" She asked , holding her waist

"Nothing mum". I answered trying not to meet her gaze

" Really! so tell me , how many times have you done this today?" She continued

"It is twice mom". Alexia butted in and I bit at my upper lips as I gave her a " I will kill you look"

"Whatever ". She mouthed as she looked away

An awkward silence fell ,and from the blank look on my mum face I could tell what she was thinking..

" You still a virgin right?" She asked and I was a bit taken aback by her question , I wasn't expecting her to put it this way ....

"Are you?" She repeated as I swallowed hard

"Erm mum erm I yes erm erm no mum". I stuttered and she scoffed , nodding her head slowly

"Oh!now I get it, so that teenage Jerk got you laid , taking your pride just because of this mere slip. She yelled in anger , snatching the slip from my hand then threw it on the floor

Mum! I called softly as tears rolled down my eyes

"Are you this desperate to get into college? Is that why gave him your body?" She continued as I shook my head vigorously

I will never do that!!!!

"Then why did you sleep with him ?"

" because I love him" I answered truthfully and that was it , she flared up

"Love! Love! All I keep on hearing is love! why did you do it? Love !! If truly there is love between both of you , then why did he throw you out of his house? Why hasn't he called you ever since? or is it a one - sided thing? If yes , what will happen to the child growing inside of you" . She rasped and I froze on the spot

Growing child! What the hell is she talking about? am I really pregnant? hell no , it can't be , it really can't be

And as if reading my thoughts, she continued "I have been watching you closely Hazel ,the way you sleep, eat and even your sudden weight gain all arouse my suspicion but i waved it off believing you were still a virgin "

"No mum! all this are mere assumptions, I am not pregnant" I blurted out as she huffed

Then I think you should find out yourself!!

Having said that ,she stormed out of the room in a huff ....


Confused , I stood up from the bed and ambled to the mirror stand to stare at my reflection

"Am I really getting fat?"I muttered, turning back and front

"Of course you are". Alexia replied and I stared at her through the mirror to see her staring back at me ..

I sighed, This is not going to be good!

without saying more, I hurriedly dressed up in the black gown , combed out my long hair , put on my sandals , picked up my bag along with my phone and then made for the door

"Where are you going ?"Alexia asked

"To the hospital ". I answered with a furtive glance over my shoulder as I scurried out of the house to the Taxi station , ignoring my mum angry gaze .....


Getting to the Station, I flagged down a taxi and got in

"Harmony hospital!" I called and the driver nodded before driving off

Panicking, I leaned in the seat as I tried to imagine what would happen if I am truly pregnant

My dream of college will be shattered! My mum will be disappointed! I will become a single mother.....oh God!

I weeped silently as I was in pains

Why did I lie to Hardin about the implant ? how did I fall so deeply with him? Will he even accept the pregnancy? I don't think so , he clearly told me how much he despises the word "pregnancy"

Oh Hazel! It is all your fault, What will you do now?


The car skidded in front the hospital and on paying the driver, I alighted from the car and walked straight to the reception

I met a crowd of people in the "waiting room" so I sat down , joining them in waiting and when it finally got to my turn , I stood up from the leather chair and walked in counting my steps until I got to the doctor desk

"Good afternoon ma!"I greeted the woman on seat

"Morning! She responded, raising her head to look at me and lol and behold, it was the same doctor who attended to my mother

"So how can I help you?" She asked, gesturing me to sit and I did

"Erm ma actually I came here to take a pregnancy test. I answered shyly as her blue eyes bored into mine

She smiled lightly, "Are you having any of the symptoms?"

I nodded my head

"State it".. she continued writing into a big book

general weakness, nausea, irritation, weird cravings and constant sleeping

"Good, when last did you see your period?" She continued

" erm that should be... I paused , tilting my head as I tried to remember.. that should be April". I answered and her eyes widened in surprise

"Last two months!" She retorted and that was when the realisation hit me , I was truly pregnant

"I will need to draw up blood from you to carry out a proper test ". She continued but her voice sounded so far- off as I was completely out of it ..

What will happen to me now? Is this the beginning of my nightmare?

I was confused and broken at the same time that even when the needle went into me , I felt no pain .....


In what seems like eternity, the Doctor returned to the office holding an envelope

And Despite already knowing the result , my heart still pounded

"Here" . She said , handing me the envelope as I swallowed hard

" you are 7 weeks pregnant". She added and without saying anything, I stood up and ran all the way to the hospital huge gate

I was so scared , I was so confused, what will I do now? I really need to talk to someone...

Bringing my phone out of my bag, I absentmindedly dialled my Mum number and she picked it on the first ring

"Hazel! how did it go?" She asked with a cracked voice and, I could tell she was worried

"I am pregnant mom". I blurted out and the line went quiet

" please mum, talk to be " . I pleaded as tears rolled down my eyes

"how many weeks gone?"she suddenly asked

Seven . I answered and she sighed

"I think you need to inform it's father"

"But how? his number is not even going through and I don't have any other means of reaching him"

"Then go over to his house or better still try to talk to any close friend of his because abortion isn't an option. She stated and ended the call....

I scratched my hair in confusion

Go over to his house! Close friends! Does Hardin have any close friend who knows him well enough? If yes , who could it be ? Is it ... Richard or ..... Mike , yes it is Mike , they both know each other from London so I believe he might know why Hardin pushed me out of his life....

Reasons, Hardin changed the same day Mike attempted to rape me , Did Mike say something bad to him? I am really curious.....

Scrolling through my phone, I dialled Mike number and he picked it up on the second ring

"Hazel! Is that really you? "his baritone voice rang through and I clutched my fist tightly, remembering what I passed through in his hands

"Yes Mike! It is me ". I answered coldly and he sighed

"Oh Hazel! I wish to call but I was just too scared". he said and I scoffed

" I want us to meet , where are you?"I asked , ignoring his questions

"South Tacoma". he answered

That is so damn far. I thought within

"but I will be in the North tomorrow, I will call... he tried to say but I cut him off

"No! send me the address , I will join you there". I said trying not to sound too desperate

There was a long silence and then he agreed

"Alright". he simply said and ended the call...

I knew i ought to be scared but funny enough, I wasn't .. I guess i was just too desperate to get my Hardin back ...

My phone suddenly beeped indicating a text message: clicking on it , I read it aloud

"FOX strippers bar South Tacoma"...



Hardin Castillo



Laying on my bed , i was trying to round up an assignment when my phone rang

I reached for it , on checking the caller , it was Richard

I received it

"hello Castillo!" he greeted first , shouting as the background was so noisy

"Yo! howdy!"I responded, still writing into my book

"Cool man! You really need to be here, the party is so much fun. "he continued

"I don't what to". I simply stated

"And why is that? Is it because it is Steve's party? C' mom man , you really need to let go of the grudges And moreover, he apologised more than a countless time to you"

"It is not that , I have a therapy session to catch up with" I explained

"Just this once Castillo please" . he pleaded and sighed

" and there are lot of booze and girls" . he added and I smirked

"Now you are talking! I will Join you there soon"

You know the venue right???

"Sure". I answered and ended the call


Getting off the bed , I went over to the wardrobe, opened it ,pulled out an all black outfit along with a boot and hurriedly dressed up in it ...

I styled out my hair; picked up my car keys along with my phone and made for the door; opening it , I bumped into someone or should I say someone bumped into me and lol and behold , it was my " personal maid"

"Arrgh! are you blind?" I barked at her

" erm I am sorry Sir Hardin , I erm never knew you were behind the door". She stuttered, playing with her hands shyly and I scoffed , ignoring her as I climbed down the stairs

She is just so annoying, she is nothing near Hazel .... shit! Why am I even comparing her to Hazel?


Getting to the sitting room, I found my parent kissing and when I say kissing, I mean an erotic kiss

Really! Is this why my dad is yet to return to London? So he can kiss my mum?

Oh right! they would probably be screwing each other also"

On clearing my throat , they quickly pulled out of the kiss , composing themselves

" erm Hardin , why did you get here?" my dad asked , grinning like an idiot

I looked at him , my mom and then back at him

"Are you committing fornication with my mom?" I fired at him and they both exchanged looks

"Fornication! what do you mean by that?"he asked , chuckling nervously and I smirked

"Isn't it obvious! you both are divorced so you should learn to keep your hands to yourself!" I retorted and he huffed

" you are crazy son!he remarked and then faced my mom who was watching both of us quietly, Are you sure the therapy is working on this kid?"

My mom chuckled, of course Dave, he is just being Hardin

"Whatever". I muttered

"And by the way , Why are you dressed like this , are you going out?" She continued

"Yep". I answered, popping the p and my dad scoffed

"That is not possible! Your therapy session is in less than an hour and your therapist will soon be here"

I sighed, can't i just skip it for today ?

"And why is that?" he retorted

"I need to have a little fun , I am tired of this boring life of mine." I said , hoping this " King Kong" father of mine would understand and to be surprise, he did

" Alright son! have fun but remember, no late coming, no drunk driving and no girls or else you will be ....

grounded. I completed and he nodded in agreement

" yeah! Yeah! Yeah!". I exclaimed, raising my hand in defeat as I walked out of the house"

"And remember to make use of condom should in case".My dad called after me

"Crazy"!I muttered


I got to the garage just in time to See Zuma drive in with his power bike

Leaning on my car , I waited patiently for him to get to me and when he did , he took off his helmet and bowed his head , greeting

I nodded in response

" so how did it go?" I started

" It went well sir , I delivered the envelope to her mother". he answered and I nodded

Good! I remarked, dismissing him

Opening the door , I got into the car , started it and drove off to " Petra club"



The sound of the music could be heard from far away so I wasn't surprised by the deafening music blasting out from two large loud speakers when I parked out in front : and on alighting from the car , I walked into the club to see a throng of people dancing , drinking and partying away ....

This is so not my thing!

Looking around the club , I sighted " my friends" including Kimberly seated at a far corner in the room

And With my hands in my pocket, I sauntered up to them

seeing me , Kimberly who was rolling and twerking on Steve dick rushed to hug me

I duck, pushing her away as I sat down in between Richard and Steve

"Happy Birthday man". I greeted Steve and he smiled sheepishly

" Thanks for coming, it really means a lot to me. he told me and I nodded

"so what will you drink? Rum, Bourbon, Whiskey or Vodka "

"Rum". I simply answered and he made signal at a waiter who immediately came rushing to our table

"Get four bottles of Rum with two bottles of Bourbon ". he instructed the waiter who nodded before running off ...

So which of the girls do you like? Richard butted in , nudging me to look towards the entrance and when I did, I saw two hot girls walk in

One was curvy , tall and endowed, the second one was also curvy but short and tiny just like ... Hazel

I smiled lightly, I really missed her

Which one? Richard repeated

"The short one". he answered absentmindedly as my mind was filled up with the thoughts of Hazel

What will she be doing? Is she still touching people recklessly? or have she found someone else?... my mind skipped a bit at the thought of it..

I pray and hope she won't ... damn! What am I even saying? I can't give her the happiness she wants so she deserves someone better

"Down to earth Hardin!" Richard laughed , snapping his fingers in front of me and I quickly composed myself

"Erm what were you saying?" I asked , staring at the beauty standing in front of me

"I said the beauties are here". he repeated and then faced the " endowed lady sitting on his laps"

And before I could say"Jack Robinson ", the short lady sat on my laps as she played with my buttons

"I like you already, you are so cute". She said, licking her lips seductively as I huffed

Did I compare this slut to Hazel? no way , Hazel is so different....

" I like you too". I said , touching her breast through her "net top"

She wore no undies , making it easier for me

And in return, she rolled and twerked on my dick...

Shit!! I grunted in pleasure and Kimberly who was seated opposite us scoffed

"I can see someone is getting ready for an heartbreak" she muttered softly but I heard her clearly

" his maid isn't enough for him after all" She added with an eye roll and I froze

" what did you say?" I asked calmly, pushing the girl off me as I stood up

" Nothing". She answered and I scoffed , leaning towards her

"I know you are jealous but the fact still remains the same, you will always be the whore who cheaply gave herself to me while Hazel or " my maid" like you call her will always remain the woman in my heart"....

Having said that , i straightened myself and stormed out of the club in anger

"Hardin! Hardin! Hardin!" I heard Richard call as he ran after me but I ignored him and kept on walking till I got to my car

Opening the car door , I started it and drove off to home ..

My heart was really hurting! I wanted Hazel, I needed her, I don't think I can stay away from her any longer...



Hazel Dakota



After being on the road for what seems like eternity, the driver finally stopped in front of a building painted brown ....

Looking out of the window, I read the inscription boldly written on the wall

" Fox strip bar"

I paid the driver and on alighting, I walked in to see young ladies like me dancing naked

Yuck! I shook my head in disgust

Bringing out my phone , I was about dialling Mike number when I heard a voice call me

I quickly looked in the direction to see Mike seated on a table directly in front of me , smoking

I exhaled deeply as I walked up to him

"hi! I greeted nervously, sitting down opposite him as he smiled lightly

"Hazel! Good to see you ,you look lovely as ever!he remarked, inhaling more of the smoke before he continued

"So why did you ask to see me? I mean ,i am so surprised, After all I did to you"

" I am here because of Hardin". I answered truthfully and he chuckled softly

"Hardin! And what has that got to do with me?"

"A lot Mike ,what exactly did you tell him on that very day you almost raped me ?" I half yelled, hitting my fist on the table and he leaned in the chair as he gave me a puzzled look

"And why are you asking?" he fired at me

"Because Hardin changed towards me from that day , he sent me out his house , changed his numbers and never calls me again! I retorted angrily

Just then a fat man on black came to Join us

I stared at curiously as he looked at me and then at Mike

"Who is she?"the man asked ,lighting up a cigarette

"She is the girl I told you about". Mike answered

"Jay girl right?"the man asked and Mike nodded

I stared at both of them in surprise

Why did mike tell the man about me? Who is he? Jay again! Why does he keep on calling Hardin Jay?.... well! they are all from London. I quickly waved it off

"So what did you say to him? I repeated and he scoffed

"I didn't say anything that will make him leave you , I think you should direct the question back to yourself , what did you say to him?" he fired back at me and I swallowed hard

"I didn't say anything! I just told him about my father, how he was murdered by a 14 year old kid and ........

"Wait!"he barked, cutting in and I stared at him in surprise

Is he alright? I thought within

"Repeat what you said again". he instructed, exchanging glances with the fat man

"And why should I do that?" I retorted

" I said repeat what you fucking said". he growled in a deep menacing voice and I nodded , shuddering

"I said my dad was murdered by a 14 year old boy ". I repeated and that was when I saw it , the fear in his eyes

"Is your father by any chance Peter Dakota?"he asked, picking his words and I nodded

"How did you know?" I asked , staring intently at him

" that is because it was an Popular case in London"he answered

Gulping down his drink, he stood up as he made signals to the fat man to do the same....

"Are you for real? do you plan on leaving me here ?" I asked staring at him in disbelief

"Yes". he answered, taking few steps forward but I stood up , rushing to block his path

" you can't do that Mike , I came all the way her to talk to me you"

He scoffed , About Hardin?

" please help me Mike ,tell me everything you know about Hardin" I pleaded, ignoring the mocking tone in his voice

"And why should I tell you?"

"Because i am carrying his child . I blurted out and he went stiff

" child! as in pregnant?" he repeated and without waiting for my response, he shove me away and walk past me out of the bar with the fat man following behind him.....

"What is wrong with him?"!I wondered

My phone suddenly rang and on checking the caller , it was an unsaved number

I received it

"hello!"I greeted first but there was no response

"hellooooo!" I greeted again

"hello Haz! "a familiar voice responded and my heart raced faster

