I am Asmodeus.
One of the Nine Princes of Hell.
I was a Seraphim once, one of the angels indeed, part of an innumerable company.
Then came the war and we fell like the stars from Heaven.
I followed the Light-bringer down, the Morning Star, for I was one of his chief advisers, and when he fell, I fell with him.
He raised me up in hell and made me one of the nine rulers.
In case you were wondering its preferable to rule in Hell then serve in Heaven.
"I've done both." -Unknown
I woke up sweating I hate having flashbacks to my days where I served in Heaven. It always me of all the good I did, and when I served and now, I'm a ruler.
I was able to finally get up and jump into the shower. The memories and reminders are hurtful, only because I did my very best to serve in Heaven and it wasn't good enough. Now I have to lead people while I can now to show them what a true king is supposed to do and be like.
I walked out of my bathroom and walked into my room with the towel wrapped around my waist. Maddison stood at the doorway. I head her grasp and turn around quickly
I spoke softly I walked towards Maddison and wrapped my arms around her, "are you okay, Maddison?"
"I'm fine, I've been having nightmares again and the voices are back again. I don't feel safe." Maddison spoke through clenched teeth.
I looked down at this girl who has taken my breath away since day one. Since I started to watch her from afar. She shouldn't be scared. I on the hand should be deathly scared of this girl before me.
"Remember what I told you when we arrived here?" I lifted her chin and made her look into my eyes.
She looked at me. I swore she could see deep into my eyes, her hazel eyes burned through my soul. I couldn't help but catch my breath every time she looked up to me.
"Yes, I remember what you said, but you can only protect me for so long, before I have to defend myself against anyone." She spoke and turned around to walk away.
I held onto her wrist and pulled her tight to my chest and kissed her on her lips. She wanted to pull away, but her body refused to pull away. "Maddison, I want you to be by my side for eternity." I couldn't help myself that I wanted Maddison.
Maddison look away and turned around and faced me, she gives me this stern look. She spoke loud and clear, "if I am to stay and become the queen of the nine hells, first you must teach me and guide me the ways of magic and immortality that works. I am to know who I am at all costs."
I didn't realize what I was getting myself into when I stepped into Maddison life, but for hell's sake I better inform her that she is the daughter of Seth the God of Chaos and definitely let her know the real reason why she has been brought down here to become queen. I laughed softly for Heaven's sake, what did I get myself into.
Maddison finally left my room and went down the hallway, I didn't follow. Only because I know she can handle this place her own.
I sighed; I don't know what to tell her without pissing off the one person who can burn away this entire place. I got up and got dressed.
I walked with my head held high I went towards the combat room. I wasn't expecting Maddison to be in here training with some of the other demons that were involved with last night's incident.
I sat back and I watched as Maddison swung the sword and how her defense was in a good stance. I have no doubt that she is meant to be down here with me.
Maddison finally noticed me in the corner of the room. I saw her face turn bright red. One of the demons she was sparing with spoke up, "nice work human girl. Keep up the good work and you might be able to battle us in a real duel."
"We will see about that when the time comes." Maddison said with a smirk on her face. Maddison then turned to me and spoke to me, "hello Asmodeus, did you like the show?"
I saw the smile dance across her lips waiting for my response. "Yes, I quite enjoyed watching our future queen sparing and learning how to fight, but remind me again how do you know how to spare?"
"I don't know it just felt nature to be able to fight and forget everything and focus on the battle." Maddison spoke and smiled softly.
I smiled back, "lets get out of here and go get something to eat. I'll Show you the way to the kitchen."
I watched as Maddison followed behind me and was dragging her feet. I can sense something is wrong, but I don't know how to approach her with that.
We final reached to the kitchen, I held the door open and allowed Maddison to walk through. I showed Maddison where the food and everything was.
I watched her as she picked through the cupboards and the fridge. She final decided on a bowl of cereal. I chuckled at myself a little bit.
"Maddison, are you alright?" I asked softly as I sat next to her.
"I'm fine, just hungry and bit tired." She said in between bites of food.
"That's great, are you liking it here so far?" I asked nervously afraid of her response.
She looked up at me, "its quite fitting is it not?"
I chuckled a little bit, "Maddison, you are special to me. I don't want you to leave nor do I want to lose you."
She looked a bit surprised after I told her that and her response was, "you were the one who brought me down here, and you are the one who has protected me during my stay here. Who else would I want to stay with?"
I smiled softly and took her by the hand I lead her out of the kitchen and back into her room. I admire the strength this girl possesses. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for her.
I walked Maddison to her room, and she hugged me and kissed my cheek before she disappeared into her room. I walked off down the hallway not ready to go to my room.
I smiled at myself how did I get so lucky with Maddison? How can she love a demon like me? When she doesn't even know why she is here to begin with. I need to let her know that she is the daughter of Seth the God of Chaos, and she will bring chaos to hell. I'm not ready for that yet, and I don't think she is ready for that either, because it's going to be a war that we must win between Hell and Chaos.