Chapter 9


    "Are you ready to head back?" I asked Maddison.

   "Yes." Was all she said.

   I started walking and Maddison placed her hand into mine and squeezed softly. She made me feel alive again, but I only hope she is prepared for the disaster that will happen when she is queen. 

   I led her through the halls, and we ended up back to her bedroom. "you may stay with me if you like." Maddison spoke in a whisper. 

   "I shall return later, my dear. I must go take care of some other things before I rest." I kissed her forehead and took off down the hallway.

   I ran till I reached the combat room. I must unleash some anger before it boils over. As I walked into the door one of my brother stood in the middle of the room. 

   "Hello Asmodeus, would you like to duel with me?" Belphegor asked. 

   "You know me well brother." I spoke with smirk upon my lips. 

    "Indeed, I know you well. Why is this girl so important to you, Asmodeus?" Belphegor asked as he picked up his sword. 

    I laughed softly and picked up my sword and stood in a stance, "why must you know why she is so important to me?" 

   "My brother we must not get too carried away with these humans." Belphegor spoke and swung his sword hitting my sword.

   I swung my sword back at him, we are face to face now, "if you must know why she important to me. She is important to me because I have never met someone so challenging in the battle of love and lust. Which ever one you want to call it." 

    My brother and I haven't dueled in a long time and I finally able to knock out his sword from his hand. Belphegor was always a strong fighter even in Heaven, but I was the stronger fighter, because I knew where the weak points were. 

    I bid my brother a goodnight, and I disappeared down the hall into my bedroom. I walked into the bathroom so that I can shower before bed. I battled whether to go into Maddison bedroom or to stay in my own room. I jumped into the shower and the memories begun to play. 

     The Gates of Heaven were pearl white, and I was the one who serves to lead the ones inside the gates. I was the one who lead the ones to Hell. I served God well. I knew that Heaven was home, but the other parts of me wanted to explore. God always spoke in riddles, just like this one


           Some people want to meet me 

           Some people don't consider me

           And some people think its

           its a privilege to be be.

           I am who?

      I was always lost and confused when he spoke in his riddles, but I was never a fan of the riddles. Everyone adored God and wanted to be God, but not many knew how frustrating it was to be God and to serve God.

     We had to be perfect and repeat our sins, though the ones who served God didn't sin.  There was a day where the ones who served, the ones who sinned fell when Lucifer Morningstar fell, and I was one that fell with Lucifer. He is to blame for my fallen out from Heaven. 

I fell because of the lust and the power Lucifer carried with him. Lucifer is the one who made me a ruler of the Nine Hells. Lucifer is the one who taught me to lead and control.

    I have all the memories, the memories of Heaven that I would love to forget, but my wings are a constant reminder of what I use to be.

   I got out of the shower and started to dry and shake the feeling of that memory from my brain. As I looked up, I saw a face behind me smiling. I turned around and nothing was there. 

    Now in this moment of time I never would question Maddison again regarding the voices in her head. Only because the voices in my head have began to speak to me once more. 

I was able to get dressed and I made my way to Maddison room. I cracked open her and I noticed that she was sound asleep. I decided that she was the best option to get a good night's rest. I opened the door slowly. Maddison did kind of stir in her asleep and tiptoed to her bed crawled into the bed. I pulled her close to me and I was able to fall asleep. Till the dreams started up again. 

    "Asmodeus come play with me." One of the children in Heaven always asked me to play. 

    "Marcus you know I cannot do that." I chuckled and walked off.

    "I miss playing games with you though." The child whined.

   "Marcus enough." I spoke and I walked away.

    I had other duties to take care of in Heaven not be stuck with playing with a child. A child that was suppose to be learning how to serve, so the ones who are currently serving would be come Guardian Angels. The protectors of the living. I knew my days were slowly coming to an end, I just didn't know when I was to become a Guardian Angel. It was always something that I wanted to do when I was growing up.

The dream slowly started to turn grey and the war began to play inside my mind. I remember the war like it was yesterday, but the war was long ago, almost like a forgotten thought in this word. 

    The war was a bitter war, a lot of blood shed and casting out happened. I did serve for God, but I was not holy enough to stay with God and continue to serve in Heaven.

    God thought I was one of the reasons for the rebellion that happened in Heaven. I remember the day the God casted me out of Heaven he spoke to me "my son, Asmodeus, I am so sorry that I have to do this to you. You are forever cast out of Heaven because of the rebellion. I may have forgiven you, but you lust for power is now out of my control son. You are now a fallen angel casted out of Heaven." 

   That what was the last thing God spoke to me that was his famous last worlds to those who have fallen from Heaven, and those words are the words that we all carry deeply. 

   I remembered the day that I fell, I remember not being able to extend my wings to loosen my fall. I felled and I felled it felt like forever before I reached the solid ground. I remember hitting the ground, but I do not remember waking up inside of house. I was still half naked when I woke up, because God stripped me of my divine armor. He only left me with the pants I wore when I started serving him. 

    I looked around the house I was in and girl who was about 7 walked out to where I was standing, "mother, he's awake!" I watched as the mother walked around looking at me like she hasn't seen angel before. She softly spoke up, "you were dead when I found you." 

   I smiled softly, "I'm very much alive thank you." I found the door and I walked out of that house and I never looked back. That day was the day the lust begun and the desire that I had for women to make them my own personal salves to this world. 

   I woke up still laying next to Maddison. I seem like I haven't woken her up yet. I just laid next to her watched her as she slept. It seems like her demons were at bay, because she hasn't yet stirred in her sleep.

   She precious and I cannot wait to see the damage we can create together in Hell. I am looking forward to this rebellion and the rising of princes coming together.

    The next morning Maddison wakes up, "good morning, did you sleep alright?" I asked.

    "I slept decent the nightmares were at bay. Did you sleep good?" Maddison asked as she got out of bed.

   I looked at her, "honestly not really." 

   "How come?" Maddison looked concerned.

    "Reasons, that I don't think your ready for" I chuckled a little bit.

   "Oh, come on I'm with one of the princes of Hell. How can I not be ready to know your reasons?" Maddison chuckled and smiled

    I smiled softly and spoke, "I'll tell you later, for now get dressed."