11. Building Blocks

And that bachelor man went quiet seeing his partner went off handle. He tried hard to hold his laughter by biting his lower lip hard. He knew it would make her even angrier. But when he remembered her so much funny expression when she was upset to be called similar like a Pikachu little yellow doll, he could not hold it anymore.: "Ugh… ugh… hahaha"

"Don't laugh!" the girl in hijab who was a fan of Korean Oppa protested.

"Hihihihihi" He grimaced and tried hard to end his laughter and apologized.

Next he persuaded her to have lunch. She was still sullen and that expression was too much funny for him. He glanced at her secretly several times to see her eating a plate of food he ordered.

To kick away his awkwardness he put a chunk of meat to her plate as she finished the last one. She got even more sullen. He really did not understand what a diet meant for women.

"What do you think about the a man who has to fulfill the financial support to a woman. Is it a must?" he asked her. He needed her complete points of view about this matter.

"That is not my opinion but the laws that have been set. There are quite a few but I love the ones that stated in An-Nisa: men are the leaders over women that is why Allah provide them more over the others (women), and they (men) have to support them ( women) with part of his shares". Dea told him what she knew better so far.

"It's a pretty long explanation. Do you really want to listen?" she offered him.

"Sure. I really want to hear your views on this issue" Surya convinced her.

"Before a marriage, a daughter is fully under the support of her parents. But when she gets married, all the responsibilities are handed over by her husband. A husband is the main leader for a wife. That's why he is supposed to protect her, love her, care for her, and give her financial support. Providing her with all other needs like buying her clothes, pocket money, and so on based on his capacity is a must. If he fails to fulfill that, he is in sins."

"And he bears sins when he is incapable of taking the responsible the one under his responsibility". She continued further.

"Hmmm… is that it?" his heart was in doubt. Her clear and concise explanation made a man who worked as a secretary and had to make fast and dynamic decision made up his mind.

"If that is the case, I will postpone my marriage proposal" he said firmly.

"WHAT?!" she spouted food in her mouth due to exaggerated shock. Even much worse that the shock happened in Bali.

Quickly surya grabbed a piece of tissues and cleaned up debris of food spluttered to his blue navy shirt. He gave some tissues to Dea, too.

Dea quickly managed that blow of shock.

"Wha….what did you mean? That's ridiculous! You were meaning to send me pranks, weren't you?"

She grabbed the tissues roughly, stopped her meal, and packed all her things on the table.

"Hey! Let me explain that to you! Don't go!'. He was trying to stop her from leaving him.

There seemed a misunderstanding with the couple who had many years of age gap. Surya was fond of Dea because she had clear and strong principles. Persons especially women with such qualities were easier to understand, good to be an associate and even a partner to build up a family.

It was just Surya treated her just like how he did to his associates at work, how to make a fast decision in order to cut short matters or to have a problem to a point like a 9 building blocks (1) at his company made him think that a relationship had to be built with the same method.

He believed the concept of 9 Building Blocks he used at work would be also good to be applied to a relationship to build up a new strategy between him and that girl. He wanted to see the description from that girl's point of view. Especially, he was still wary and unconfident so far due to his joblessness.

Unfortunately he was wrong to believe that his concept to establish a business could be applied well to a relationship between a man and a woman with such emotion and feelings who would like to establish a family.

"Dea, listen to me first after that you can go". He was trying to persuade that girl who was overwhelmed with outrage. That man was definitely wrong even to the point of views of all ladies. Too bad he hardly realized his lack of experience.

"For your information… I have told my mother that you would like to meet her! But you turned out to make this all for fun! Can you imagine how embarrassed I am in front of her?" She exploded.

"If you are only playing around for fun, please do that with others but not with me!" as she finished clearing the table from her stuffs she turned around and about to go.

"Listen to me first!" He pulled her shoulder.

"Oh…I almost forgot! Here is your ring!" she looked back at him again and put a ring on the table.

Surya walked fast to catch her shoulders and sit her back again.

"There is something you need to listen before you go, okay?"

"Ugh! Another prank for me?" she was sullen.

And that couple from different generations was trying to synchronize their thoughts and life styles to be more calm and human.



According to Alexander Osterwalder, a business model is basic description how an organization sets. men-deliver, and catch the values presented. Business Model is like a blueprint strategy implemented to the organization, the process, and the system. This concept is known as 9 Building Blocks. This concept has been applied and used throughout the world and has been used in several organizations such as IBM, Ericson, Deloitte, the public works and government services of Canada and many more. This includes the Wenceslas Group where he worked for more than ten years since he was paid only to accompany Hendra to study while he was in the USA.

Whereas 9 Building Blocks are concepts that can describe and show the logic of how a company generates revenue. 9 building blocks cover 4 areas in business, namely Customers, Offers, Infrastructures, and Finance Viability. This concept becomes a common language which makes it easier for us to describe and manipulate business models to create new strategies.