21. Making The Hopes Come True

Hope is like breathing for all creatures on earth. A man who stops hoping may like someone out of billions who does not expect another day to come.

A bumpy and uneven road the girl had to take for two hours on the red motorcycle to her campus, or a man had to climb up a roof of someone else house in order to meet his beloved one was from a single word named hope, hope that would end up in happiness.

Hope itself could comes anytime, now, a minute to go, another minute, another hour, a day, a month or even never at all when too much hope to expect.


"crack…" the old roof tiles protested when Hendra stepped on them. Another second, they slipped down.

"Crasshh" Finally some tiles fell down into pieces. The house owner knew his roof tiles slipped down down there. Luckily Hendra could see the pick-up car was still parked down there. But Hery did not know his boss was above the car.

"My mobile phone? Where is it?" he just realized he left his mobile phone in Aruna's room. He could not yell at Hery. He might be still sleeping. He wanted to jump, it was still too high.

"Ahh, what should I do now?"

When was about to turn back to Aruna's home, some people down there were investigating the cause of the falling tiles. They started yelling when the caught a silhouette of a man's walking on their roof tiles.

"Is he a thief? What is he doing up there?" one of them on the ground yelled. Hendra walked back to hide himself.

"Call the chief of the neighborhood. There is a thief in our housing complex." Soon yells of angry and curious people were buzzing.

"Gosshhh… this is crazy! I must not let myself caught."

Hendra ran from one roof to another as fast as he could. He ignored his mobile phone nor Hery. " Thank goodness I do much exercises in the absence of Aruna. This trains my body to run fast."

He jumped from one to another house nimbly like a mouse deer being chased by a flock of angry crocodiles.

As more people accumulated and aware of what might have happened to their neighborhood, the noise arose. Hery woke up. He rolled down the car window and asked to a man passing by his car." What's the noise about?"

"There is a thief on the roof there"

"WHAT???" gosh! This is nuts!" Hery was shock. He knew that man up there had to be his boss.

"Where is he running to? Tell me!!" He pulled that man's T-Shirt as if to threaten him if he did not give him the correct information.

"To the north"

"You don't lie, do you?"

"That's what I heard". He reversed his car in high speed, tried to find space to turn around among the crowd. His eyes looked up once in a while to predict where his boss might walk over it.

_my boss is really absurd_

The car glided among the people who would start their day.

"Braackk" something fell down heavily on the back of the car.

"Knock knock knock" someone knocked the driver window from behind.

"Hery, faster!" it was his own boss, Hendra, who jumped on the back of the car. The car speeded up and left the chasers behind.

No one knew what exactly was in the mind of the man who was known as the only heir of Wenceslas Group, a multinational company with the wealth assessed the second biggest in South East Asia.

It sounded really weird for him to behave like a thief for the sake of seeing his own wife., a truly weird and hard to understand behavior. If only taking his wife back from her family, and making them understand that their daughter had been a part of a conglomerate family were easy, all this craziness would end.

"Boss, can I say something to you?" Hery said as they finally stopped at a food stall after making sure they were safe from the rage of those people. He was starved. Hendra agreed to stop by at a food stall. He finished two portions of meal at once. Hendra was stunned to see how his guard eat.

"Finish your meal before you speak though." He signed to Hery to swallow food in his mouth before speaking. Hendra once in a while wiped the table with tissues anytime Hery spoke with his mouth full splashed some food out.

Hery took his drink and emptied it at once and quickly brought up what he had bothered his mind.

"Why don't you just take your wife back home?"

"That is exactly what I want"

"Then, why don't you?"

"She wants to study and keep her dreams to live"

"She can't do it while staying with you?"

"For now, it's good to give an image as if we are separated. I want to fight against Tarantula first"

"Wait a minute! Didn't you join meeting with Raka?" Hendra wondered how come Hery did not know this issue.

"I often fall asleep in a meeting like that. It is too dragged on"

"No wonder!"

"What did you mean, Boss?"

"No. Nothing. I just…"

"Shreeekk" unintentionally Hery's elbow knocked the glass off. The remaining water of colorful filling spilled on the table. And some dripped on the pants of Wenceslas Group CEO.

"HERYYYY…WE ARE BACK HOME NOW!!" the boss was outraged to see his pants got some splotches of dirt.


Tania 1 message

"Hendra, I was waiting for you in front of my room last night. You said you would like to meet me"

A message from Tania made the heart of that girl was uncertain.

_How could you, Hendra? You were sleeping with me but at the same time you had an appointment with another woman_

Her face was suddenly went cloudy. It was ready to blow up anytime it was triggered.

_You'll see who you are facing when we meet again!_

_But, when will he come back to see me again? Ufff…so annoying!"

"Grrrrr….I'll kill him!" She suddenly screamed. The hall where she was passing through echoed her anger. Some student looked at her in surprise. She ignored all those uncomfortable gaze…

"Hi, Aruna. Have you checked the announcement board?" Dea was relieved she could find her best friend after looking for her everywhere in that campus.

"Perhaps you got the luck this time." Dea brought some good news. Aruna forgot her anger for a while.

"What's in the announcement board?" Aruna was curious but excited to see her best friend excitement.

"Your name is on the board for the final examination!"

"Really??" Aruna's eyes popped out. Lt was certainly impossible.

"That is impossible, Dea! All my lecturers refused to give me recommendation"

"I know.."

"Something must have gone wrong. Let me have a look at it myself!"