57. A simple Looking Glass


Three suitcases were lined up, colored with dark red, silvery, and black.

The one who just packed them now felt hungry, so she got up to make a meal. The delicious smell of slices of toast and cups of hot chocolates wafted on the air, inviting the other woman who stared at the waiting suitcases.

"Come have breakfast. Don't overthink it. We've done this before." The one who served the food said from the kitchen.

Leona patted Nana's shoulder and steered her to the dining table in the kitchen.

"Are you sure about this?" Nana questioned once again.

"Yes. Very. We have a deal." Leona answered calmly and in certainty as she spread the jam on her slice of toast.

"I'll talk to Hendra so you don't need to go," Nana stated in a brittle voice.

"Ah, that's impossible."

"I'm sure I can persuade him."

"He's not the same twelve year old boy that you knew in the past," Leona clarified, knowing well about Hendra's personality.