86. The Ferris Wheel

"Apologize, Sir, Mr. Amar is at work. But, he will be home before dusk, maybe in about thirty minutes." The surprisingly nice security opened the gate even further, wide enough for Damar to pass, "Do you want to wait inside?"

"Um, is that alright? Waiting inside, I mean," Damar confirmed.

Normally, a security guard with his look and the looming luxurious house behind him would not permit strangers inside. Especially before he asks for the name of the stranger. It was not an unexpected thing to be dismissed in this kind of situation. 

Damar was prepared to leave and forget his intention to come here. At least, he had tried. If he didn't succeed, well, he could think of it as the actual happening of a famous phrase – he was not destined to.

"Sure, but I have a condition," the previously stern man was grinning without cause, a funny expression on his face, "Danu Umar, right? Can I take a picture?"

_What a turn of event._