92. Kiss Marks

A car, similar to the one Anantha owns, stops in front of his own. After a proper observation, it turned out that it was actually Anantha. With his arrival, Rey hastily pulled up his courteous mask.

Rey quickly opened his door and got out of his car, welcoming his best friend. A naïve and easily controlled business partner he could exploit as he wanted. An easily well placed good deed here and there, Rey acted in his devious play.

"Hey, thanks, Rey. Sorry for troubling you, really," Anantha greeted, oblivious of Rey's questionable feat he almost did.

"Nah, I don't mind. I'm glad actually. I got to interact with her again. I started to like her, now," Rey replied, a grin on his face.

"Hah, what did I tell you? You won't find another girl as good as her," Anantha gloated, chuckling slowly. 

"Yes, now I believe you. She's just like what you said, all good things," Rey smiled, adding fire to Anantha's ego.

"Um … where's Aruna?"