94. The Side Effect

In quiet seconds, Hendra closed his eyes. Soon, the true story will start. The story was about a stubborn old man who laid motionless.  Present, yet no longer there.

"You all get back to work," Hendra took control like how he was meant to be. Ordering an impossible task he clearly noticed.

Again, the blue eyed man scorned, "Don't make him disappointed with your current foolish behaviors."

The crestfallen faces soon got. Even so, they never look up to him. The guilt hung over their neck. Weighing down on them.

A repeated order, "Get up and back to work. The old man is not as weak as you all think. I'm his successor. My words are his command."

With a clearer resolve forced on their faces, they left one by one. leaving behind the blue eyes in the strange hallway.

Hendra approaches Andos. His somber face was losing its severity as he kept his silence.

"Sorry, I don't need your sad face. Throw that away and tell me what exactly happened?"